Chapter 20: Walk to School

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"Midoriya! You got a letter."

An envelop, already sliced open, slid down a tunnel into his sealed room.

The young man with dark green hair picked it up and pulled out a piece of paper with nice handwriting of Japanese characters.

Dear Izuku,

He was already smiling. He knew who it was from and he didn't care what it said, he was glad to get it.

There's a lot I need to mention here to you but first thing I want to tell you is that you're wrong.

His smile disappeared. He walked over to his bunk and laid on his back.

You're not unstable and you're not a killer. I'd say you're just rusty. You are and always have been the greatest hero of our generation. You are my hero.

What you wanted was to have that chance again. I get it. I would feel the same way after such an accident. But it was an accident. You never meant to do that and most people know that.

We're looking into it now. It's not like your Quirk to behave like that.

Now, I wanted to also let you know that most of us saw the video, unedited. Some of us unfortunately will need some more convincing. But now none of us believe Hatsume was a good man. He got what he asked for.

You may already know, but Mina didn't make it. And it still makes me wake up crying.

Izuku felt tears in his eyes build up and release down his cheeks.

But Eri comes into my room and comforts me. And in the mornings, I walk her to school.

I had to quit my job to protect my family's company name. And I'm working alongside our old friends. We're slowly building up again and performing silent acts of heroism.

Because although you're wrong about yourself, you and Mina were right all along. What happened wasn't fair and we're done letting corrupt people rule our lives. Funny that it took nearly dying by one to figure that out.

In your name, and in the name of Mina, we honor you both.

Stay strong! I hope I see you again, Izu-kun. I think about you every day.



Izuku looked at the bottom of the paper at a bonus message in different handwriting, a little messier but still fitting for the author.

PS: I love you Pa-Pa! Don't be sad you can't take me to school. Ma-Ma is doing it now.

He smiled through his messy crying and held the paper close to his body.

"Get a hold of yourself, you moron."

At first he thought that was a prison guard outside his door speaking through the small window.

However he turned to see Katsuki Bakugou dressed in a prison guard's uniform briefly uncovering his mask.

"You damn nerd." He sighed. "It's time to get you home."


"It seems Phase 2 was a failure." A woman in a formal suit sighed in a dark meeting room.

"Yeah, yeah. Not our proudest moment. Maeko's plan was discovered and he did what his nature gives him: he made threats and he attacked. He was in control." A man chimed in.

"Then he had to play dead and make them think they won!" Another added.

"Exactly." The first man replied.

"I see. With Izuku Midoriya behind bars, and Mina Ashido dead, it's only a matter of time before we crush the spirits of the remaining vigilantes." The woman said.

"So what now?" The second, less confident man asked.

"Now, we sit back and watch as the rest of our warrant officers do their job. Former heroes worldwide have started to rise up again but with the Accords, it's only making their image to the public look bad. We're still in control."

"Those Accords will never be removed." The woman said proudly, her voice was very femme fatale and naturally seductive. "Where Maeko failed, dozens more will succeed."

"And he didn't." The first man smiled.

"We can't be too careful here." The second man stated. "If enough people start enough petitions and protests and speeches and acts of defiance, we won't have enough firepower to keep the heroes in check."

"Then we bring in the big guns." The woman said. "And fight fire with fire."

"With Ashido and Midoriya gone, our next big targets are these." The first man said throwing up holograms of a few former-heroes-turned-civil-rights-activists.

The people in the room eyed the pictures. Itsuka Kendo, Katsuki Bakugou, Shouto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Emi Fukukado, Melissa Shield, Nemuri Kayama, and Ochako Uraraka.

"Most of these have been confirmed with us they are vigilantes. What kind of public favor would they have if the world found out they're law-breakers?" The woman smirked.

"Exactly." The first man snickered.


Maeko Hatsume sat down on a bullet train headed for downtown Tokyo. His body was covered in burns and scratches and a small robot shaped like a crab crawled around him, cauterizing and stitching up the bad wounds.

Some people looked at him funny, because of his obviously burned and dirty appearance. He looked like a cartoon character who took an explosion to the face, which he technically did, if it weren't for his robotic suit wrapping around him defensively at the last second.

Just as he began to sit back and relax, letting the bullet train do the work, he noticed a television screen at the top of the train car. It was a breaking news story about the attack from the other day.

He couldn't hear what they were saying but they showed footage of the fight at the construction site from a security camera.

Everything from the fight amongst former heroes, to him being blown up by Izuku Midoriya. He did notice that they skipped over the part where he stabbed Mina Ashido, and it looked as though the explosion is what killed her.

He wanted to use this opportunity as further motivation to lay back and relax, but two men appeared behind his seat and grabbed him.

Maeko was too weak to put up a big fight, especially in such a small area. But one of them put a hand to his nose and mouth and immediately, he collapsed unconscious.

The men, dressed in suits, carried him away from the public eye and seemingly disappeared out of thin air.


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