First Arrivals

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Sqaishey's POV
The next day, we got up really early, at nearly seven, so we could pick up Lee and Amy at the airport. I was quite nervous, to say the least. I had only watched their videos, never intending to meet them, and now I was!

Quite the change of events, if you ask me.

At the airport, since we didn't have time to eat breakfast, Stampy went to the Starbucks in the airport to get us breakfast bagels. Squid sat on his phone while I just stared at the incoming planes. Amy's was to arrive first, but Lee's was right after hers.

A tap on my shoulder startled me slightly, and I turned to see Squid still sitting next to me, his phone turned off. "You alright? You've barely spoken a word since we've arrived." I nodded. "Never been better..."

Squid shook his head. "You're lying. Being nervous isn't horrible, you know that right? It's alright, they're probably nervous too." I sighed. "I doubt they even know who I am, Squid. I know who they are, and to me, they're celebrities, all of them! I'll screw it all up by saying something stupid!"

Squid shook his head, a small smile coming to his face. "You'll be fine, alright? Amy's to arrive in ten minutes, so you have time to sort yourself out." I turned back to the window and stared as a plane from Australia landed, and people came off to go to their families and friends in London.

Stampy returned just as the plane took off again, handing me a bagel and a Yorkshire tea. I thanked him and took a sip of the tea. Squid and Stampy got the same thing, and the latter sat down in between Squid and I.

"You alright?" I nodded at Stampy's question. "Yes." He sighed silently, taking my empty hand in his. "Don't be so nervous. They're nervous too; Amy even told me over the phone before her plane took off." I stared at our hands silently, and nodded. "You sure?"

Stampy pecked my lips, not giving a worded answer. But I knew that he was sure. Suddenly, the announcement for Amy's plane blared over the intercom, and we all stood up to wait for Amy. Squid, waning to seem fancy, brought a piece of white poster board, with 'Amy Lee 33' written across it in fancy cursive (done by me).

Finally, after nearly five minutes of waiting, Amy stepped through the doors from the plane, her luggage in hand. She looked around a moment before spotting Squid's sign.

She strolled over and hit Squid on the side of the head. "You're the silliest thing! It's wonderful to see you!" Squid dropped the sign and wrapped his arms around her tightly, a happy grin coming to his face. When he released Amy, Stampy came in and gave her a hug. "Hello Stampy! It's lovely to see you!" Stampy agreed, and Amy turned to me happily.

"Are you Sqaishey?" she asked, and I nodded politely. "No way! It's an honor to meet you; the boys have told me all about you!" My eyes widened, and a grin came to my face. "Really? What'd they say?" I joked, glaring playfully at Squid and Stampy, who were snickering softly.

"They said, well, Stampy said, that you were funny and beautiful and super nice and loads of other nice things." I felt a blush creep up my cheeks as I turned to Stampy, glaring at him playfully. "Did he really? And Squid?" "Practically the same thing," Amy answered happily, and I rolled my eyes at them.

"You guys are the sweetest. Now let's wait for Lee. I was nervous enough to meet you, Amy, so let's see what I do when Lee arrives. You're lucky I'm not asking for an autograph." Amy laughed, pulled out some paper, scribbled on it, and handed it to me. "It's a receipt from the market back home; I needed a new charger for my phone."

I stared at the receipt for a moment before slipping it into my purse. "Thank you!" I thanked, and she giggled. "Not a problem, Sqaishey. Let's wait for the bear." She sat down next to Squid, and a thought filled my head.

Did she fancy Squid?

As soon as she sat down, Squid handed her one of his earbuds, and she stuck it in her ear and listened to whatever she was listening to, scrolling through her phone while doing so. So I had some evidence of the possibility. I smirked to myself and sat back down next to Stampy, who was staring at them curiously.

Then he texted me. 'Is Sqamy a thing now?' I bit back a laugh as I replied. 'Possibly. At least you agree with me.' 'Please, I was on your side before we even MET.' That time, a nearly silent laugh escaped my lips, and Stampy slapped my arm playfully. "Hush! They'll hear us!" he joked, and I rolled my eyes.

Just as I did that, the announcement for Lee's plane blared over the intercom, and we all stood up to wait for him. Squid, not wanting to leave him out, made a sign that said 'L for Leeeeee x' in big bold letters. Nearly three minutes after the plane landed, Lee stepped off of the plane and saw us immediately.

He jogged over to us, his wheelie luggage behind him, and stopped in front of Squid. He glanced at the sign and laughed. "Really, Squid?" Squid nodded, and dropped the sign to give him a hug, despite being boys and all. Lee hugged back, then hugged Stampy, and then hugged Amy.

Then he turned to me, a warm smile on his face. "Are you Sqaishey?" I nodded, and his smile got bigger. "It's nice to finally meet you! Do we shake hands, hug...?" I smirked, and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged back immediately, and I could smell the Scotland on his clothes.

"Let's get out of here and head out to eat; I'm sure we're all hungry. Besides, we need to take Lilly on a walk," Squid said, picking up his signs and one of Amy's bags. "Thank you, Squid. Who's Lilly?" Amy asked as we walked out of the airport. "The boys' new beagle puppy," I answered, and Lee and Amy cheered. "I love dogs!" Amy squealed.

Lee rolled his eyes. "You love everything." Amy shoved him playfully and legged it out of the airport, and he chased after her. I shook my head and ran after them, mainly because they didn't know where the car was.

This was gonna be one hectic three weeks.

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