Chapter One

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So this is my first Hunger Games book, and it's a dance moms fan fiction actually,  and I hope you guys like it! The first chapter goes out to you guysx




I was out of breath, as his hands became contact with my neck.This was a game of death, but I stood my ground, kicking and hitting. I wasn't going down without a fight.He let go, I falling onto the carpeted ground."I hope you get elected in that damn game anyway.It will teach you right"

He muttered, before walking away.I was scared, hurt, convicted, but those were just the mutual feelings."M-madie are you okay, are you hurt?"Kenzie asked, running towards me.She knelt down next to me.

"I'm fine Kenzie"I said looking straight ahead,  at the door."B-but Maddie your neck is red?"She cried."I said I was fine!"

I screamed.I bit my lip hard until it bled, noticing, how sad she was.I always screw everything up.

I got up and went towards the door."See you at the reaping"I mutterd,  before walking out.I let the cold air engulf me.I was aching for a jacket, but soon my body will be cold all the time.I was going to volunteer myself into the games.I figured what life do I have here.My parents hate and abuse me."I'm volunteering"I told my best friend, Gale."Your crazy, Ziegler, do you know that?"He chuckled."Every one tells me"I say with a smirk, as I point my arrow towards a deer.I pull back, slowly getting ready to shoot, but the deer quickly moves away."Shit"I mutter, throwing my bow and arrow down."I can't do anything anymore".I sat down on a rock."Well that's because the arrow was backwards"He says, and we both laugh.

There is a moment of silent between us, where we don't say anything."If I got picked for the games, and I died, who would miss me?"I asked, out of the blue.I felt Gales eyes land on me, but I ignored him."I would miss you...I know Kenzie would too"He said."That's the point Gale. No one would really care, I'm not anybody special, my parents wouldn't care"I began to ramble on, about reasons why, I should die, or be put in the games."Maddie enough!"He shouted, obviously tired of me, like everyone else in my life."Do you know what my dad said to me? He said that he hoped I get picked. So just let me fulfill his wish"I sniffled, wiping my tears on my shirt.

We were covered by a huge shadow of birds, flying away as a loud noise filled the air.It was time for the reaping.We both stood up, alarmed."Look at me.Your not volunteering and your definitely not getting picked"He said, firmly.I nodded, but inside, I knew I was going to volunteer myself.We went through the gate that led to the woods and went our separate ways.

I went to where the reaping usually took place.I spotted Mackenzie waiting for me at the gates.She ran towards me crying.

"Kenzie what's wrong?"I cired.She shook her head."I don't like this Maddie....what if I'm picked...or you"She cried.I hugged her tightly. We were living in a cruel world.I just wanted to escape and never come back."It's going to be okay, everything is going to be okay"I whispered. I kissed her head and then we got into the long check in line of girls.





"Welcome to Sixtieth annual Hunger Games where three brave people will be chosen to fight till death.Yes three people, a special occasion,  ordered by President Snow! Isn't that wonderful?!"Abby Lee, said through the microphone. Her face was caked with make up, making her look like a clown, less then a woman.I groaned angrily. Since when has there been three people chosen from the games?! This was unfair. We were people and had things to live for.We live on a deserted island where we are all separated and grouped in district's. They created 'game' that once your a certain age, you are put in.You are suppose to fight one another to the death.

The last survivor wins.Only this year there are three! Three innocent people! "The winner gets something special. The winner and there family, gets to leave and go live there life....In America"Abby announces.

Everyone goes crazy and starts to whisper.

"Quiet!"Abby screams, settling everyone down.

"We know that many people are going to try and tribute, so there are rules.If someone from your family is picked,  you get the chance to tribute. If not, then that person is automatically in the game, which will be a whole lot worse and serious due to the special prize"."Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor.

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