Chapter Two

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Hay guys, here's another one, for you guys! Enjoy!




"Mackenzie, it's okay to let go now"I whispered, saying her full name, so she would know that I was annoyed. We had just gotten on the train, and she was still clutching onto me tightly. I knew she was, scared, but I had a lot on my mind to think of as to, how I would keep us both safe.

It didn't help one bit, that Gino was sitting across from me.She sighed, sitting up, her hands wrapped around her foot, which were tucked under her.Her chin lay on her knee."I'm just scared, Maddie" She whispered. "I won't let anything happen to you" I said, as she looked up at me."You promise?" She asked, with a little too much hope.I felt bad making a promise that I probably will not be able to keep."To infinity" I said, holding out a pinky.She smiled, locking her's with mines."And beyond" She replied, we both kissed each others pinkies."Cute, maybe or maybe not may get you some sponsors" A voice said.

I turned around to the smell of achohol.

A tall man with messy blonde hair, stood holding a cup and a beer bottle in the other hand."Your Haymitch, I'm a big fan, I've heard lots about you"Gino finally, spoke up, after not saying anything. We all followed him to a table filled with delicious food, that I'd never imagine myself, ever eating.Mackenzie attacked the table, filling up a plate with nothing but snacks.I giggled, at her face, when noticing something good."So how are we suppose to stay in the game? What do we do, what do we not do?" Gino and I immediately threw questions at him.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down....." Haymitch slurred, before taking another long sip, of beer.I could feel myself grow angry.I was trying to get answers and all he would do was drink and it got on my nerves.Gino, seemed patient, but I wasn't. "Nice.Get people to like you".I groaned sitting back in my seat."I can do that" Gino said, with a smile.Of course he could. He was nice and caring.Mackenzie had the cuteness factor, and I....well hopefully I....I am not good at making friends or getting people to like me."Well then what is there to worry about, the more people like you, the more get" Haymitch explained, halfway drifting off to sleep."Well I can't get people to like me.That would be a miracle if I could" I muttered.

"You know, you two remind me of....Katniss and Peta.Katniss had the same problem as you Maddie, but of you be yourself, then you'll be just fine" He explained. What if being myself wasn't good enough."Anything else?" I asked, but Haymitch was slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Well there goes are chance" I said, my hand hitting the table." Don't lose hope just yet?" Gino muttered. "How can I when I know that I might die, or that my sister might too, and that our only chance in helping us is too drunk!" I screamed, as tears, trickled down my cheek.

I heard a small cry, and noticed it was Kenzie who was crying softly to herself.I had forgotten that she was there."Excuse me" I say, before walking away and towards a big window.I stared at the beautiful landscapes as we passed by, wishing I could be out there with them.

I know there's a GOD and I believe that there is a GOD.I know he can hear me when I tell him to please protect me.




"Maddie, Maddie wake up" I heard a soft voice say, as they shook me.I yawned stretching out my arms." You fell asleep for awhile, but we'" She muttered slowly.I nodded and then we walked towards the train door, where Haymitch, Abby, and Gino stood waiting. "Oh, sleeping beauty is finally up!" She laughed.

"Remember, smile" Haymitch instructed.

Abby opened the doors, and Mackenzie held onto my hand tighter then ever and I did the same to her.We added fake plastic smiles, but I was convinced that Gino's was an actual real smile.

We were in the Capitol, surrounded by people dressed in weird crazy outfits and color's. Laughing and smiling.Life was good for them.They had nothing to worry about, I hardly doubted."So you guys are going to be taken into hair and make up and then you will get dressed, and then we will meet you at the corridors, that's when it's time for the grand arrival show case"

Abby began speaking quickly as we were ushered into a big building.People were scattered around, going from left to right, all busy people with jobs." You all have your own make up teams" Abby once again explained as nine people came up to us.

They then grabbed one of us." Maddie! Maddie don't leave me!" Kenzie screamed crying, trying to get out of there grips.All I could do was look at her sadly, because there was nothing that I could do."It will be okay!" I yelled back to her, but she just kept screaming for me. I walked into a room and pushed into a chair.Ready for the most ridiculous moment of my life.

A makeover. Which I was sadly receiving.


"You look beautiful" A voice said, from behind me.I turned around to see Gino, but also in his outfit."Very funny" I laughed, sarcastically. He put his hand up to surrender, "Hay, I'm just saying the truth that your beautiful" He laughed.I blushed turning away.Instead, I began to check out my opponents. My eyes connected with a girl across the room.She was tall with blonde hair, and stood next to a tall boy with brown hair.She gave me a dirty look, before whispering to the boy, and they both looked at me and laughed.I turned away as they made a sign, saying they were going to cut my head off.

I rolled my eyes."Just ignore them" I heard Haymitch whisper to me."The competition, starts to get more serious now, so you have to be careful with who you make contact with.Those two, are Paige and Josh.There from the Capitol here, so they are a big threat to you guys. Over there that's Kendall and Lucas, you might want to watch for them alot.Also that girl in District three Chloe.Don't let her nice and happy attitude fool you.As soon as you turn around she will stab you right in the back, just like her mother".I nodded.

Kenzie ran up to me, dressed in a cute white dress, with sequins and jewels. Her hair was in a perfect bun, with a cute little tiara. "See, it wasn't that bad without me, was it?" I asked, smirking." Well once they let me wear the crown, but I still missed you" She admits.Then, our designer Paul, comes up to us." Okay, guys will be in the chariot. There's a button that your going to press, and that's going to lift you off your feet and a little bit up. Mackenzie, you will know what to do" He explained.

"Remember to smile!" Haymitch replied, as Abby tried to attack me with lip stick, but I dodged her."Nervous?"Gino asked."Y-yeah"I muttered slowly."I'm not good at this sort of stuff"."Imagine yourself at your happiest moment.Then everything will be all right"He whispered as Kenzie, him, and I hopped into the chariot.

I closed my eye's, but all I could see was darkness. I had no happy moment."What is your happiest moment?" I ask instead. "Well I like this girl....but I don't know if she likes me back.Until the day she loves me, my happiest moment is still to come.

Only if I even survive to hear her say that"

He says, us both facing each other.My eyes lock with his, and I smile."That girl must be really lucky" I say, with an uneasy feeling inside. I knew that girl was not me.No one loves me, so why would Gino?

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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