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[Han Jisung]

Felix uwu
Hello mellow yellow jello-

Jello? I want :(

.....Hi Felix

Felix uwu
uwu hey

Yeah you just said hi ahaha

Felix uwu
Please ask Minho hyung to
shut up :D


Where is he how is he what is he doing
is he well did he eat is he hydrated
did he get sleep

Felix uwu
Wow what the duck



Please tell me :(

Felix uwu
Are y'all not talking?

I was about to tell you to shut
him up because he won't stop
annoying me

OH mY baBiE feLiX pLeAsE asK
cHris HoW JiSuNg iS-- like???

Every five minutes.

Ask that bitch to unblock me then

Felix uwu
he blocked you-? D: why? I was hoping
Minsung would sail...

I guess it sank

Felix uwu
Noooo D: cheer upppp

Here's Minho's face when Hyunjin
mentioned your name lol he has no
idea I just snapped a photo pfft

Here's Minho's face when Hyunjinmentioned your name lol he has no idea I just snapped a photo pfft

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Holy crap--

:'( that's too much preciousness
compressed into one photo

Felix uwu
Aww oops

Wait what is Hyunjin saying

Felix uwu
You wouldn't wanna know


I do wanna know

I'm guessing you're already typing
it out lol

Felix uwu
You're right but I had to erase it
all just to tell you you're right
now I gotta type again

....... Lmao you're unique

And litty

Felix uwu
Stream dumb litty
Shit I gotta type it again

Omf ok, go on

Felix uwu
"When I went to meet Changbin at
the studio today, Jisung in superman
pyjamas was singing by himself and
I walked in right when his voice cracked."

....well okay I guess I'm about to
make Changbin single.

Felix uwu
Wait no I can't let you eliminate
people like Minho hyung always says

Minho hyung says wHAT

Felix uwu
He talks about eliminating people

That's-- wild..

Hey can you please ask him to unblock
me :( if you're Chris's good boi

Felix uwu
(;///_///;) Okay

Thankies <3

Felix uwu
Oh no :((((((

He told me he'd delete your
contact from my phone if I ask
him one more time :(



Who cares

I don't need him
I don't like him

Felix uwu

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