Oh Dear, Wife of Mine

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Hello, my lovelies!

This chapter is a treat, let me tell you, I had so much fun writing it! Lemme know if I got his character on point! He's so difficult to handle LMAO.

Yo guys, I just joined a Hazbin Hotel discord server. I have only been there for 4 days and I've already made so many friends. If you guys wish to join lemme know, there's a shit-ton of members. 



Irene doesn't know how long she sat in the music room. She kept playing the piano over and over, trying to find a melody to play. While it may be easier to use her older songs, she found herself wanting to create a new song; over her years, the inspiration for music became an all-time low. Music is all she knows and it still will ever be in the context of her personality.

Charlie left some time ago, having other stuff to take care of.

Stilling her stiff fingers on the piano keys, she sighs tiredly. Maybe she should try to create some lyrics first. Nothing was coming to her on the piano. She could always use a different instrument as well she muses thoughtfully. Sliding off the bench, she grabs the bag she came in with and sits down on the floor. Taking a huge stack of paper out from it, she sets it on the floor. Grabbing a black marker, she stares at the white paper with concentration and determination. She needs to create something the audience can get excited about. Perhaps, the piano is not the way to go...

It was time to create some words she thinks with a smirk.


Alastor POV:

The thrill of finding his wife down here in Hell was positively humorous and irritable. The want to kill her has increased ten-fold. He couldn't get over the fact she ended up here, he was quite unsure if she would follow. He should've known better. She did kill someone in fact. It is currently nighttime in Hell and most of the residents in the hotel are fast asleep.

It would be the perfect time to strike.

With that thought, a sinister grin appears on his face as he stalks toward the music room once more that day. He is almost trembling to end her pathetic life right now. It was giving him a high he has not felt for some time now. The static around him continues as he thinks of the various ways to end her life on the way there. His shadow confirmed that she was still in the music room. This is a perfect time indeed.

His shoes clack with each long stride, almost in a hurry to get there.

Reaching the door, he attempts to calm himself down to not make her wary at first. However, when he pushes the door, she is laying on the floor with a multitude of papers surrounding her form. He narrows his gaze on her slightly and walks inside, not making a single sound. His shadow is lurking behind him curiously and it closes the door behind him quietly. He paces closer to her form to find her fast asleep, her arm as a pillow. A marker in her grip, was slack against the paper, making a line go through the word, 'no'.

Forgetting his bloodlust for a moment, he examines the papers all around and avoids stepping on them as he approaches closer to her. He found many words on the papers, all of them a single word for each piece. What is his wife doing? He's never seen this before even when she sang. He picks up a paper as curiosity fills him again, the paper read 'night'. He realizes the words were in order then. All together the words read, 'I've been up all night, no sleep'. Interesting, he thinks to himself while letting the paper fly out of his grasp without much care.

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