Chapter 13

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"I still love you."

As soon as those words get out of my mouth, Ryan gets mad. He shoves me away from him and stands up.

"Danielle? DANIELLE!" he screams and steps as far away from me as possible. Danielle runs into the room, to Ryan, and she takes his wrists in a tight grip. Ryan starts shaking uncontrollably and he cries his heart out. I take a deep, shaky breath and try not to cry, but I fail.

"Ryan? Tell me what happened." Danielle demands Ryan.

"Br-Brendon still loves me... He... I... I AM NOT ANYTHING LIKE MY DAD!" he screams and tries to get out of Danielle's grip, but she's too strong.

"Ryan. That you still love Brendon, doesn't mean you're like your dad. That Brendon still loves you, doesn't mean you're like your dad. It also doesn't mean that he's like your dad. Calm. Down."

"I-I can't!" Ryan screams desperately and he breaks down sobbing. He drops on his knees and Danielle sits besides him and holds him close. She gestures me to come over and hug him. I'm not sure if that's a good idea... but if Danielle says so...

I walk over towards them and sit down next to Ryan and wrap my arms around him. At first he freezes, but then he presses his face against my chest en clings onto my shirt.

"I... I am s-sorry Br-Brendon..." he chokes out. I make him look at me.

"Don't apologize. It's okay. Let it out. I won't leave you or judge you for this. I promise." I whisper. Ryan nods against me.

We just sit like that for a little while, until Ryan finally calms down. Danielle leaves to the kitchen to make us all some hot chocalate, and I keep holding Ryan. He has his eyes closed and still leans against my chest. He looks peaceful now. He still trembles a little, but that's okay.

"Thank you Brendon... I..." he whispers and doesn't know what to say else. Well actually he wants to say a lot of things, but he doesn't know where to start. So he just stays quiet and waits for Danielle to come back with the hot chocolate.


"Yes Ryan?"

"I still need to tell you a lot of things but... I can't handle it if I have to tell it to you today... is it okay if I tell you another time?" He whispers quietly and I immediately see how he gets afraid again. Afraid that I'll be mad about what he just said. I smile reassuringly to him and nod.

"Of course Ryan. Take all the time you need, okay?"


"I'm proud of you Ryan." I whisper. Ryan tenses and doesn't answer that. He probably doesn't know how. Poor boy...

I feel so sorry for him... it's clear that Ryan's dad fucked him up badly. Literally. I hope for that guy that I'll never see him, because I know I'll kill him if I have the chance. You don't fuck your son. You don't beat your son up. That asshole...

Danielle returns to the living room and we drink our hot chocolate.

"Brendon?" Ryan says after a while.


"Will you please sleep with me tonight?" I tense.

"Are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable..."

"I... I need you tonight Brendon... I'm afraid to be alone..."

"Okay then. Just tell me as soon as I come too close or something like that, okay?"

"I promise."

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