Chapter 21

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I look at the house and I smile. It's even better than it had looked like on the pictures I've seen. Brendon, who stands behind me, wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head onto my shoulder.

"This is perfect, Ryan, absolutely perfect..." he whispers, and I  nod in agreement. Yes. Yes this is perfect. I rest my head against Brendon's and together we stare at the house for a while. I know that I'm not even close to being sane, but I do know, that here, I can heal. I can become better. My dad isn't even close, so I don't have to be afraid anymore. And, I'm surrounded by the two people in this world, who I love the most. Danielle and Brendon. Together with them, I'm sure I'll heal.

Then Danielle steps out of the car too, and she joins our staring. She sighs happily and kisses my forehead. "Let's get inside. We have lots of work to do, boys!"

That is why we spend the next four hours bringing our stuff inside of the house, bringing it to the right rooms. Brendon and I have a room together, and I have a room for my own. In case I need a place for myself. I thought it wasn't fair, I mean, if I can have my own place, Brendon and Danielle deserve one too, but no matter what I said, they insisted that I took that room, so now it's mine. Of course I hope I won't need it too much, but I'm glad that I have some sort of escape route if I need it.

I put down a box and stretch my muscles a little bit. I look around and see Brendon talking with Danielle. I smile. I'm glad they get along so well. Danielle walks away and Brendon just stands there for a few seconds. Just looking at the house and humming a little. I bite my lips to keep myself from making any weird noises, because Brendon looks just so cute. And suddenly, I don't even know why I do it, I walk towards Brendon, and press my lips onto his. Brendon freezes and pulls back.

"R-Ryan, what...?"

"I... Brendon..." I stutter and I look down. I thought he'd like this... But apparantly he doesn't. "I... I'm sorry Brendon, I shouldn't have done that..." I say and I bite my lips. Brendon takes my chin and lifts my head.

"Please, Ryan, don't apologize... I... I liked it, I just... I just don't want to push you into anything you don't want. I don't want to make you feel like you should kiss me just to please me... I love you, even if we don't kiss, okay?"

"I... I know that Brendon... I just... I felt like kissing you..." I whisper quietly.

"You weren't afraid?" he says in surprise. I think about it and frown.

"No? No. I wasn't..." I say, a little bit confused, but then I smile. "I wasn't afraid, Brendon!" I squeel. Brendon chuckles and hugs me. "You have no idea how happy this makes me, Ryro..." Brendon whispers softly and I smile at him. For a second we just stare into each others eyes. Nothing else. Just our eyes. But then I close mine and lean in again. I press my lips against Brendon's. At first he doesn't do anything, afraid he'll scare me off. I don't know why, but it feels like my mindset has been switched. I'm not afraid to kiss Brendon. Not anymore. Brendon is the sweetest guy I've ever met in my whole life. He'd never hurt me. Never. So I part my lips and flick my tongue over Brendon's, and that's when Brendon starts to respond. He puts his hands on my waist and slowly opens his mouth too. His tongue touches mine and I take in a sharp breath. Brendon immediately pulls back again. "Sorry did I-"

"No, no Brendon, it felt... it felt good." I say with a smile. Brendon kisses my forehead and hugs me again. He's not going to kiss me again, and I'm glad. I like it. But it feels so overwhelming right now. My smile widens when I figure out that Brendon noticed that. He always knows how I feel. He's so sweet.

"Shall we watch a movie, Ry?" he asks me and I nod. Brendon takes my hand, and we walk towards our new bedroom. I crawl into the bed, and Brendon switches on the television and then he crawls next to me. He wraps one of his arms around my shoudlers, and I cuddle against him. This feels good. This feels safe. I feel happy. Genuinly happy. Finally...

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