part 10

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*your pov*
We woke up with cal blaring really loud music in our hotel room shouting wake up love birds it was like 6am but we had to get showered and all that fun stuff for tour we didn't want the shorers to know that we went out yet or mark we weren't sure how they would react I looked at Harvey you could tell he really didn't want to get up it was really funny he looked so cute in the morning

Cal:morning Skye how did you sleep
Me:pretty good to be honest how about you?
Cal:never share a bed with oscar that's all I'm gonna say also do you wanna wake Harvey up for me were leaving at half 9 and going to the venue.
Me:okay enjoy getting ready

*cal left the room and shut the door I kissed Harvey's forehead and he started smiling*

Me:get up lazy
Harv:too early
Me: you see the shorers today though
Harv:fine want any cereal
*Harvey was just laughing then kissed the top of skyes forehead*

Harv:I'm gonna jump in the shower before getting ready
Me:okay I'll make breakfast then jump in the shower after you

*Harvey jumped in the shower and skye started making breakfast*

Group chat
Me: you guys got to thank me more often
Me:Harvey just offered to make cereal
Jasp:oh ffs he would have burned the whole hotel down 😂😂😂😂

Your pov
Harvey was just coming out the shower as I was just finishing my breakfast he tried to give me a hug but I doged it and ran and locked myself in the bathroom he was soaking and I was wearing a white nightgown so you wouldn't blame me

Harv: oi that's mean
Me: going for a shower sorry not sorry
Harv: grrrrr

Your pov
After I came out the shower it was about 7 o'clock I still had to do my hair and make-up while Harvey was practically ready so he went into the guys room to practise while I got ready I blow dried and straigned my hair done my make-up it looked quite gothic but it didn't look that bad then I got changed into this really small red top and a set of shorts and my leather jacket. Once I was ready I packed all my things up and put them in the suitcase cause we were travelling all of tonight then I walked into the boys room

Harvey:omg my girl is so pretty
*skye started blushing then Harvey came over to hug you*
Jasper:has everyone packed there suitcase remember we're checking out at 9
*it was currently 8*
Harvey:oops I'll do it now
Me:not that we don't trust you and belive you won't lose anything I'm gonna help you pack

Harvey's pov:
She was so fucking adorable she was stunning we were packing and she picked up my hoodie the one i gave her last night and handed it to me i told her to keep it,it was the new merch anyway and she said thank you and decided to put it on and hugged me so we sat at the end of the hotel bed for about 5 minutes straight just hugging then I leaned into kiss her the kiss didn't last very long but you could tell she's kissed a few people in the past she was so cute

Group chat
Cal: use two come downstairs were checking out rn
Harv: we will be down in a sec
Josh: we're almost at the venue we will be there in the next half hour

* We all went in the tour van it was cal who was driving and Oscar was sitting at the front with him and me harv and jasp were sitting in the back the van was a lot bigger than I expected tbh*

Cal:if you guys are still keeping your relationship a secret we'll drop you off round the corner then come to the venue and tell the security guard you have special permission of us to come in the second you get there if you have any hassel message the Group chat
Me:wow erm okay let's hope he lets me in
Cal:if he doesn't Josh will be here in 5 mins tell Josh who you are and he to security for you

* we were round the corner of the venue so I was about to get out the van so Harvey quickly hugged me then said see you soon I miss you already*

Your pov:
I told the security guard exactly what cal told me to say but he wouldn't let me in so like a minute later Josh arrived and quickly got out the van and hugged me so I told him and Josh explained to the security guard who I was then I went up stairs to see Harvey waiting for the at the top of the stairs

Harvey:jump on my back
Me:what omg 😂
Harvey:jump on my back *he says while laughing*
Me:okay *you say laughing then you jump on his back*

Harvey pov:
She seemed scared to jump on my back. Wonder why she didn't trust me? I walked in the hall it was the small room we were playing in and then shouted the queen has arrived everyone she sat and talked to Josh Jack and Zack while we were in soundcheck you could tell that they were getting along well after we finished soundcheck I went up to her and hugged her really tightly and she told me how amazing we sounded and it's only gonna sound better live. We got prepared for vip then sat backstage for a bit

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