Chapter 23

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I slump down onto the ground, completely out of breath. My lungs are burning and my legs feel as weak as noodles. I try to regain a bit of strength and energy as I lean my head back against the tree, panting heavily.

I jump up when I hear leaves crunching somewhere in the distance. My fingers wrap tightly around the handle of the knife as I slowly make my way over to where the footsteps came from. I try to be as quiet as I can, which is not easy with all the leaves and twigs on the ground. I hide behind a tree and glance into a small clearing, where I see Adam. He is sitting on the ground, crying. His head is burried in his arms that are resting on top of his knees. I don't know whether I'm supposed to feel pity for him, but I don't. And I don't know if that makes me a bad person or not.

I slowly appear from behind the tree, scraping the knife along the tree trunk to let him know of my presence. His eyes move up to me and instead of feeling pity for him, I feel anger. I feel the rage build up inside of me as I think about what he has done. The fact that he is only a kid not bothering me anymore at all. He led Jenny straight to those fuckers, knowing exactly what they were planning on doing. He's just as messed up in the head as the rest of them.

He almost seems relieved on seeing it's me, until his eyes land on the knife in my hand. He immediately starts pleading for his life, as if I'm already charging at him.

"I- I'm sorry!" He starts to cry as I take slow, but steady steps towards him.

As much as I try to find a reason within myself to forgive him, I can't. He betrayed Jenny and almost got her killed. I don't even know if she's alive or dead at the moment. I've stopped crying, since I've used up all of my tears. I look at the young boy in front of me, feeling nothing at all. I slowly make my way over towards him and he gets up, his body slightly trembling in fear as I near him. I stop in front of him, placing one of my hands onto his shoulder.

"I'm sorry!" He starts crying even louder.

"I am too." I say, causing for him to look up at me in confusion. "But you get what you fucking deserve." Without thinking, I plunge the knife into his chest. He screams in agony and I pull it out, plunging the knife into the boy's chest once more. I pull the knife out and watch as his dead body drops onto the ground with a thud, the leaves around him slowly turning red, a pool of blood starting to form around him. I don't feel sad or guilty for killing him. It's almost as if I feel nothing at all. I don't even feel any satisfaction.

I wipe the blood off the blade with some leaves and put it away. I continue on my way as quiet as I can. The boys are still out here somewhere. I stop and listen, hearing the sounds of water. I run towards the sound and come to a small river. Collapsing down in front of it, I stare at my reflection in the water. It is hard to see now it's getting dark again.

I drink a bit, before washing my face with the cold water. I get back up once I'm done, not wanting to stick around in fear they might find me.

I never got the chance to tell you, Harry. But hereby, I promise you that I'll get out of here. Alive.

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