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"Y/N!" You hear you best friend yell from down stairs. "Coming!" This is your first day at your new school you met you best friend over the summer because she lives across the street from you. I reach down stairs to see Jess talking to your mom, "Morning!" You day as you go to the island and grabbing a banana "You ready for your first day?" My mom asked excited "No not really I don't like people really" I said eating my banana quickly "mhm" you hear Jess clear her throat "Except Jess of course" I throw away my peel then walk back to the island "We've got to go mom but love you bye!" I say as I grab my bag and head for the door with Jess, "Bye have a good day you two!" "You too mrs.Y/M/N."

"Okay so because you're new the boys will go crazy we never get anyone new so you're fresh meat to them" Jess says as we wait at the buss stop, we then hear it come around the corner and hop on, I see a lot of kids in the front but not so many in the back, I see Jess heading for the back so I follow. When walking back I see a couple of cute guys laughing with each other until one of them saw me he stopped and just stared at me I looked down to make sure noting was wrong with me, "Mattia what are you looking at?" His friend asked "Nothing he says and just goes back to talking to his friends. That was kinda weird.

We end up sitting in the seats just behind them "So 10th and 11th graders get to  sit in the back because we're the oldest the seniors mostly have cars so they don't ride the bus, the boy Mattias friend turns around to us "You don't look familiar are you new?" The boy asks "Ah yeah I am, I'm kinda nervous" "Awe no need to be nervous I'm sure everyone will love you, my names Alex by the way" he said "Y/N" I said Alex was then drug down by someone I hear whispers me and Jess give each other a weird look, both of the boys heads pop out from the seat, "Y/N this is Mattia, Mattia this is Y/N, Mattias my best friend" Alex says "Hi! Do you guys know my friend Jess?" I asked "Oh yeah we've all known each other scene the 9th grade" Mattia speaks up "Yup and you guys are still pains in my ass" they just laugh at that "Hey you boys turn around!" We hear the bus driver yell, they turn around and me and Jess were just talking the rest of the time.

We reach the school and it's huge compare to my last school, "Woah this place is huge!" I say looking out the window "Yeah don't be intimidated though you'll be fine." Jess says we then start to get off the buss Mattia was in front of me, I accidentally step on the back of his shoe and flat tier him "Oh shit sorry it was an accident" Mattia just laughs "It's fine" he smiles after fixing his shoe, we then get off the buss and I see students everywhere all in their little groups, "Guys come here." Alex says to us, we then start to walk over to a group of boys "Hey guys this is Y/N she's new and you guys know Jess" Jess hugs everyone and I just wave, "Hi I'm Kairi, look guys I'm taller than her!" He yells exactly another boy comes over "Me too!" He yells "Okay Alvaro and Kairi would guys stop!" Jess says I just laugh "Yeah I'm only 5'2 so you're all taller then me" I said all the boys just laughed at my height.

*skip to before first period*
"Let me see your schedule" Mattia says, I hand it to him and he smiles "We have almost every class together except I have a free block on B days" I smiled now too "Oh dope!" I say we walk to our class. "You want to sit in the back?" He asked me, "Sure." I smiled again he's being so nice, and he's actually kinda cute, but you need to focus on school Y/N not boys "Okay so the first day is usually chill except they like to make you take little game quizzes but their usually fun" Mattia tells me.

Me and Mattia laughed and talked all class he said that we should hangout after school and I said I would have to check with my mom.

*skip to end of day*
"My mom said I could come over to Mattias because she's happy I'm making new friends" I told Mattia "Yay! Okay so just ride on the bus but just get off at my stop instead of yours" he said Mattia and I were outside waiting for our bus I started to shiver it got really cloudy and so now it's freezing and I forgot my jacket in my locker "Are you cold?" Mattia asked "No I'm fine" I lied, Mattia then took off his sweatshirt and handed it to me, "No I'm fi-" "I'm not ever cold, and you clearly are" he said smiling I then put on his hoodie it smelt so good, we then hear giggles and I look over to see Jess and Alex walking towards us laughing "Ooo they would be cute together" I whispered to Mattia he just laughs. "What are you guys laughing at?" Alex says "noting" Mattia says we both then laugh.

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