Chapter 11: Another Win

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Allie was about to set her phone down when she saw she had new Instagram followers including Chase Elliott and Bubba Wallace. "Look at this," Allie said, shoving the phone into Kelsey's face. "Now the friends are following you. I'm waiting for the family," Kelsey said. "Yeah we'll see how that goes," Allie replied. "So are you going to go to Daytona and meet his family?" Kelsey asked. "I was thinking about it. It scares the hell out of me, but I also know Ryan really wants me there."
    Ryan was sitting at dinner with Bubba and Chase later that night. "So your girlfriend is hot," Chase said. "Seriously Clyde?" Ryan said. "Hey she was nice the day I met her," Bubba said. "I also saw you both followed her on Instagram," Ryan said. "So? We're your best friends so we have to be involved," Bubba said. "I'm just hoping she'll not back out of going to Daytona with me," Ryan said.
Sunday arrived and it was Allie and Kelsey's last day on their vacation. "Want to go shopping and then maybe head to a bar to watch the race?" Allie asked. "That sounds good," Kelsey replied. They headed to the shops in downtown Charleston and did some shopping. They walked into a lingerie shop and Allie saw this cute set. "Ryan would lose his mind if he saw you in that," Kelsey said. "Maybe I should get it then," Allie said with a laugh. "I would," Kelsey said. Allie was so glad to have had this time with her best friend. Sure Kelsey lived in Texas now, but they always seemed to have picked up where the left off. As Kelsey wandered the store, Allie was scrolling Instagram and saw Kelsey posted a photo of the two of them.

 As Kelsey wandered the store, Allie was scrolling Instagram and saw Kelsey posted a photo of the two of them

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Liked by Ryanblaney10 and 467 others
Kelseyrae: My ride or die. The brunette to my blonde. So glad to have spent the weekend with my best friend. Love you @AllieeeNicole59
AllieeeNicole59: Now I'm crying thanks a lot. Love you tons
User1: Pretty girls
YoitsTyler18: Baby you're stunning @Kelseyrae. Hi @AllieeeNicole59
RyanBlaney10: That smile though @AllieeeNicole59 :)
ShawnYoung88: Goobers

Allie looked at the time and saw it was 10 Ryan's time and that he'd probably be getting ready for the race.
Allie: Good luck today superstar!
Ryan: Well my good luck charm isn't here so...
Allie: You can win without me. I promise I can make it up to you ;)
Ryan: How's that?

Ryan: Fuck you can't send that to me right before I have to go do media

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Ryan: Fuck you can't send that to me right before I have to go do media.
Allie: ;)
Ryan: Win or lose that's ending up on my floor
Allie: We'll see. But seriously be safe today and good luck. I love you Ryan
Ryan: I love you too baby

    Ryan looked down at his phone a little taken aback. For the first time since he had said it to her, Allie told him she loved him first. Hearing that from her gave him a new fire to drive with and even though he wasn't that good on road courses, he was damn sure he was going to win today.
             Allie and Kelsey sat in a bar in downtown Charleston watching the last 20 laps of the race. Ryan was second and Allie felt like she was about to throw up from the nerves. "Allison Nicole, calm down," Kelsey said. "I literally can't right now," she said. "And Ryan Blaney goes for the lead," the announcer shouted on tv. "I can't watch," Allie said, covering her face. "There you go blaney," some guy shouted from across the bar. "AND RYAN BLANEY CAPTURES HIS FIRST ROAD COURSE WIN AND 4th WIN OF THE SEASON!!" "HOLY SHIT!!" Kelsey screamed, hugging Allie. Allie could feel the tears form in her eyes. "What's wrong?" Kelsey asked. "I'm just really happy for him," she said, wiping the tears away. "Allie you love him," Kelsey said. "I really do," Allie replied.
              "Ryan, you are on fire this year. What do you owe your success?" "Just never giving up and going after what I want. The team is awesome and they never give up on me so I owe it to them," Ryan said. He was asked a few more questions and he was finally done with media. He was hoping to get home sooner, but hey winning was worth it. He got on the plane home and knew he couldn't wait until he saw Allie. He had never missed someone so much and knew that he was really in love.
    Monday morning came and Allie and Kelsey had to drive home and Kelsey was flying back to Texas. On the drive home Kelsey reminded Allie of all the things she had said about Ryan and to follow her heart. As Allie pulled up to the drop-off at the airport, she could feel the tears welling in her eyes. "If you do that, then you know I'll do it too," Kelsey said. "I know. It was great spending the weekend with you and you'd better be back soon," Allie said. "You know I will, but you need to come out to Texas sometime. I think you'd really like it," Kelsey replied. "I will, promise," Allie said, hugging her best friend goodbye. They embraced for awhile and then Allie knew Kelsey had to go. "Love you," Kelsey said. "Love you too," Allie replied, as she watched Kelsey disappear into the airport.
    Ryan had just gotten home from recording the podcast for the week and picking up Sturgill from training when Sturgill started to bark at something outside. Ryan went to look out the front door and saw Allie getting out of her car. He opened the door and Sturgill followed right behind him as he went to see his girlfriend. "Hey Ry," she said as Ryan took her in his arms. "I don't think you know how much I missed you," Ryan replied. "I missed you too," she said, as he softly kissed her lips. Just then, Allie felt a paw on her leg. She looked down and saw Sturgill with his tongue out, waiting for pets. "So you must be Sturgill. I've heard so much about you," she said, getting on the dog's level and petting him. Sturgill licked her face and she let out a small laugh. "He must really like you. He's never like this with other people," Ryan said. "Well maybe he knows his daddy likes me so he likes me," Allie said. "No his daddy loves you," Ryan said. "Ry," she said, as he helped her to her feet and took her in his arms again. "So I think you won yesterday." "I did," Ryan said. "Well since I wasn't there to cheer you on, let me make it up to you," Allie said. A smile crossed Ryan's face as Allie led Ryan by the hand to the house.

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