Chapter 5

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(A/N If anyone has any suggestions as to who should play Rocky PLEASE leave a comment! It would help so much! Curently listening to the leaked verion of Four {I COULDN'T CONTAIN MYSELF!!!} and OH MY JESUS I'M DEAD! If you can't find it download 8 Tracks and look it up, it's amazing!! So for teh song on the side here is Ready To Run, the new (Un leaked) single. Enjoy my little penguins!)


Liams p.o.v.

I watched Rocky jump up and leave, then I remembered how she told me about Harrison and realized she probably felt guilty. I don't feel guilty about Sophia, but then again I shouldn't have to, I broke up with her yesterday.

Shit” I muttered and got up. The boys looked at me in confusion. I shook my head and waved a hand at them racing out the door and over to Rocky’s. Her door was unlocked and I ran up the stairs to her room. Her door was wide open and she was strewn onto her bed sobbing. I creeped up to her side and sat down on the bed next to her.

Rocky?” I asked carefully. She looked up at me sniffled.

What do you want Liam?” She said shakily.

To see if you were ok” she shook her head

I'm not, Liam, I'm not ok” I nodded and scooped her up into my arms, laying her in my lap.

Do you want to talk about it?” She sniffled and nodded.

I-I liked kissing you, I loved it, and I feel bad because I just broke up wit Harrison and I feel insanely guilty, because.....because, when I was kissing you, that was the most alive I've ever felt in my life, I never felt like that with Harrison and I don't know how to feel about it anymore. I mean don't you feel guilty about Sophia?” She ranted. I chuckled a bit.

I broke up with Sophia yesterday, she cheated on me” Rocky sniffled and looked up at me.

Oh, Liam, I'm so sorry” I shook my head

Don't be, I didn't really love her, I don't know but things haven't been the same between us lately. It's completely ok” She nodded.

And as for our kiss, I feel the same way you do love. That was the most exhilarating thing I've ever felt. And I understand about Harrison, but love? I think he'd want you to be happy. From what you told me of him I don't think he'd want you to be so hung up on him so as to stop you from living your life.”

Rocky’s p.o.v.

I looked up at Liam with a small smile, realizing he was right. I nodded,

I, I think you're right” He smiled at me, giving me a light squeeze,

See? You'll be ok” I nodded, as long as I has Liam to help me I think I'll be just fine. I pushed up, trying to get up off his lap. He let me up and I sat in front of him on my bed. I let out a breath.

So, what now?” I asked him. He smiled at me

Now this” is all he said before grabbing my face and pulling my lips to his. Again, electricity crackled throughout my body, radiating from somewhere deep inside me. I got up on my knees again, placing my hands on his knees as he was sat, legs crossed in front of me. He uncrossed his legs and got up on his knees as well, I moved my hands to wrap them around his neck. He moved forward and pushed me back so I was laying on my bed, him hovering above me. I tangled my fingers in his hair as he moved one hand to my waist, keeping one by my head to support his weight. I slung one of my legs over his hip, pulling him closer to me. I bit his bottom lip making him moan a bit. I smiled a bit and he slid his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance, him winning. Our lips moved in perfect sync, our bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces. I haven't felt this good in, well ever. I pulled back for a breath and Liam just continued kissing down my neck. I gasped as he licked over the base of my neck, that being my sweet spot. I felt him smile and he swiped his tongue over that spot again. I pulled his face back up to mine hungrily attacking his lips. Liams hand slipped up under the hem of my shirt and rested on the small of my back, rubbing small circles. This time he pulled back for a bit of air, both of us breathing heavily.

Liam” I whispered.

Liam, we-we should, uh get back to-to the....back to your house. Ah” I murmured as he kissed down my neck again. He chuckled,

But we're having so much fun” He mumbled against my neck. I giggled.

Yes, but they're going to think we're having sex or something”

Liam sighed.

You're right. Ok” He sighed and rolled off me, laying by my side. I propped my head on my hand and looked at him.

So, what are we going to tell them?” I asked him. He sighed

Well, what do you want to tell them?”

Well, you just broke up with Sophia, and I don't think I'm ready for a relationship yet, but maybe soon” I said. He nodded, in thought.

So we can just tell them that we're figuring things out?” I thought about that

Yeah, that sounds good” He smiled and nodded in conclusion. I got off my bed and wandered over to my vanity, thank God I used my waterproof mascara today, it hadn't run or smeared. My lip gloss however, was all gone. I looked fine though so I fixed my ponytail that was still slightly wet, and turned around to see Liam watching me with a small smile.

What?” I asked him curiously. He smiled and shook his head.

You really are beautiful you know” I giggled

Well you're not too bad yourself Mr. Payne” I winked. He laughed and got up off my bed and came to stand behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. I smiled at our reflection in my vanity, we actually looked really cute together, I'll admit. I turned around and slipped my arms around Liams neck pulling him into a hug. He hugged me back comfortingly. I finally pulled back with a sigh.

We should go” Liam nodded in agreement

We should” He dipped his head down capturing my lips in a sweet kiss. Before letting me go and walking to my door. I followed him out and we made our way back to Liams house. He opened the door for me and I smiled at him. We walked back into the living room to find the others watching something on the TV. They looked up as we walked in together. Harry spoke this time.

Are you guys ok?” I looked at him and smiled with a nod

We're fine” Louis quirked an eyebrow

Are you together?” Liam stepped in just now

No, we're just figuring things out. We're not together at the moment"

At the moment” Louis repeated. I nodded. Louis smiled at us,

Ok then, we were just about to watch a movie, sit down” I laughed because Louis was telling Liam to sit down in his own house. Louis, Harry, and Zayn were on the couch, Niall on the chair, so Liam and I took the loveseat, which I think they left on purpose.

What are we watching?” I asked no one in particular.

Resident Evil” Zayn Responded. I nodded, that was an ok movie. I got scared at some parts, but for the most part it was ok.

You're not gonna get scared are you?” Liam nudged me teasingly. I rolled my eyes

Only at some parts” I responded

Don't worry, I'll be right here” I nodded

Thanks” The movie started and I cuddled into Liam, him laying across the loveseat, me stretched on top of him me head nestled into his neck, facing the TV. I squeaked a bit at the scary parts, burying my face into Liams neck. At which he'd chuckle and hug me softly. I caught the other boys looking at us occasionally, smiling and shaking their heads.

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