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"Maya are you ready for school?" Maya's mom called from downstairs.

"Give me five minutes!" Maya said while getting out of bed. "Ughh! Why am I always late!"

Maya decided that her outfit would be black skinny jeans with a white sweater and white tennis shoes. She curled her blonde silky hair and grabbed her backpack.

"Don't forget your breakfast." Maya's mom said with a bright smile.

"What are we having for breakfast?" Maya asked.

"I didn't have time to make breakfast this morning so I set out some granola bars for you. You can take it with you to school and eat it" Maya's mom said.

She had a bright white smile on her face. Mrs. Adler, Maya's mom, wore a black turtleneck with blue jeans and white tennis shoes with golden laces on them.

"Okay, well I need to get going." Maya said as she grabbed a granola bar. "See you later mom."

"Goodbye, don't be home late!"

"I won't mom!"

Maya walked down the porch steps and walked in beat with her music she had playing on her phone. She waited for the bus to arrive at the bus stop, and soon it came. Maya paused her music as the bus door slowly opened with a squeak.

"Hello Maya, come on in." The bus driver said with enthusiasm.

"Hi Mr. Smith." Maya said with a smile. She slid into the seat next to Bella, her best friend since 3rd grade.

"Hey Maya! Are you nervous?" Bella said with anticipation.

"Oh! I totally forgot."

"You forgot about the test in history? Maya!"

"Well I studied for it last Friday, so I'm ready, I have my notes in my backpack. I just forgot it was today." Maya said with a frown.

"Well it's a good thing you studied."

"Yeah. I should be fine." Maya said.

Maya watched as the rain poured everywhere, the clear raindrops hit the window and soon it covered bus completely.

(Texting POV)

BELLA🙃: Hey, you forgot your notebook in class. I have it. Do you want me to bring it to you tomorrow? or I can come over now and give it to you.

MAYA😌: You could bring it tomorrow. My mom said I have to go to bed. I don't get why she's so strict. I'm 17, almost 18! It's not fair.

BELLA🙃: oof, well I have to go, goodnight. I'll bring your notebook tomorrow.

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