Chapter 4

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"Please sit down Peyton" Anty waves her hand towards the chairs in an inviting way. I contemplate asking what's the mission is about, but I decide to just let her tell me how she wants to. "How's your week been Peyton?" She sits down behind her desk. This is a good time to describe that her office may be the best one here but the whole place is in the same state. Color faded, Wood peeling off the desk, chairs unstable and squeaky, old fabric on the chairs and old carpet filled with dust on the floor. We have limited technological components. We have computers and communicators that have a very vast range. Though they have better stuff then we do, but the population there have very limited access to things through their little devices.

Along with our ear communicators we have little devices just like the Envisioned but we simply only use ours for communication between our people. "It's been okay, just the normal stuff, sparing, shooting practice, and for some odd reason gymnastics for the last month." Her face perks up as if she knows something, which I know she does, she's Anty, in charge of everything. "Yes, that was me, I've seen that acrobatics and gymnastics help in battle. That's if the enemy doesn't expect it, it could throw them off." She finished.

Well lets hope I don't get into that situation. We mostly use guns when possible so I'll guess I'll see how needed that is in my line of work. "Okay, I can understand that, I guess. Umm... you wanna tell me the mission I'm here for Anty. Not trying to push you, but I'm a little anxious and would like to solve that." I say truthfully, though knowing doesn't mean my anxiety will go away.

"Yes, of course Peyton..." She pauses and opens a drawer to pull out a letter of sorts. "This was sent to us from some loyal deserters. They say they have intel that could help us against the Envisioned. And I need someone to go and get it from them." She hands me the letter. The letter is simple paper with no envelope. Anty could have taken it out or this was delivered personally. The letter shows dirt and grass stains, like it was abandoned or in a fight whilst getting here. As I read it I notice that it says to meet in person. This is not right. We usually use our communicators for everything. "Why do they want to meet in person at their base?" I question. "That is why I'm sending you, but for the reason, they said that they don't want to risk it being intercepted through technology." I nod in understanding, as she continues, "I think that you being a low profile rebel and well skilled in hand to hand combat and from what I've heard, you should be good for this. It shouldn't be much of an issue, so I don't have any worries about anything going wrong for you Peyton." She stands up signalling this meeting is over. Her normal outfit shows wear and tear and nothing special. Higher ups don't get special clothes mostly. Maybe something for battle of sorts so she being in normal clothes is nothing out of the ordinary.

I stand up with her and head to the door. She meets me at the door and continues, "Go ahead and head to inventory to check out a vehicle and anything else you think you need. Tell them I sent you," She puts her hand on the door and politely signals me to get out of her office. I nod to her, thanking her and walk off this level of the building to the outside.

I step outside and pause for a second, it's a brisk November day. Not too cold but decent with the right jacket. The leaves have fallen and always look nice on campus. I look at my communicator and see what time it is. Noticing it's about lunch time, I start my walk to the dining center. Knowing Lee, the one that's always eats if he can, will be there, so I'm sure I won't be alone for long.

The leaves of many colors have littered all over the ground on campus. Not a single blade of grass is seen. Acorns and nuts of sorts are scattered as the squirrels have been messing with them. Watching the squirrels gives me a sense of glee and bliss. Watching them chase each other up and down the trees. I'm pretty sure its mating season for them, so I don't think too much on the squirrels and their intentions.

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