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Kiri POV:
It hurt. It hurts. The letter. Everything hurts.

Inside the envelope was pictures of Izuku's wounds. Burns see, scars, cut, and bruises. Izuku. My Izuku. He's gone. Is he? He couldn't of gone far that night? Now he's long gone. But he's still here I know he is.

My Izuku.

Why'd you leave. We were gonna take on the world together! We were gonna do so much together! You were gonna get better by my side! BUT YOU LEFT!"

I yelled and then looked at my fist. It was covered in blood. Red. My quirk wasn't activated? I tried hardening again. It didn't work. I rolled my eyes. I guess I ran out of steam. I looked at my surroundings. It looked like the back of the pool. I looked at he wall. It was cracked and broken covered in my blood. So much red.


I left the school early. There was only like 20 minutes left anyways. So I started walking home. I flipped through the photos he took. His back was so nice. I'm not being creepy it was just beautifully defined but then. You are met with the many burns and scars. Yet he'd never let me look at his back. Look at him at all. He didn't let me take care of him after the abuse. Unless it was on the arms.I had always objected the idea of not healing him.

3rd person;

Right now if you looked at the black haired boy you'd see his face was red. And his eyes were puffy. This week had been an emotional roller coaster. He was finally able to work up the courage to tell Izuku, and then he had left him. He walked into a gas station. Walking to the back he had grabbed some bandages for his hand. As he walked to the counter he saw hair dyes.

"Hey, Kiri.." "Hey Izu?" He giggled. "What do you plan on doing the rest of the week?" I was silent. "I would hang out with you of course." I laughed. But he was silent. "Ya know your hair would be really fuckin nice if it was red. It would match your trash personality more." "Ya... I don't think I'm gonna dye it anytime soon."

He looked at it a bit longer then reached for the red hair dye. He walked up to the counter and handed the clerk his items. "Are you okay sir? You look very sad." The girl frowned. He looked at her for a little longer. "One of my friends went missing." She frowned, getting ready to say something before shutting up. "That will be 150¥ please." (I had already wrote this bit and then I deleted it, didn't realize it and left the app. I hml) He handed the clerk his money, took his items and left.

When he arrived home he was greeted by Inko. Who sat at the table, a bottle of gin in hand. Kirishima stood and stared. The woman who had taken him in now was drinking and clearly sick. "I'll *hic* start dinner.." She said standing up. Kirishima just nodded. There was nothing he could do. She had fallen ill a couple of days ago, but didn't listen to his about seeing a doctor. So he had also given up. He walked into the bathroom and locked the door. Rinsing his hair he stared in the mirror. He smiled, for the first time in days. He took the tool and brushed in the red dye. Thinking about things his friend would say. 'It looks nice Kiri.'..'I thought you wouldn't do it shithead.' He knew not all of them would be like rainbows due to Izuku's identity disorder but, he liked his cuddly cutesy side more. He waited and waited in the bathroom. Scrolling through his phone, hoping to find something that could help the search of his friend. But there was nothing. After a few hours it was time. He got in the shower and rinsed out the dye. He was drying his hair as he looked into the mirror. It was red now. A permanent memory of his friend.


He felt wrong thinking that. They had shared two kisses the night Izuku had run away. Even thinking of Izuku as a best friend made him feel sick. When they fought they would bicker like normal people. But when they didn't, they were hugging, and going on dates. Lovers. That felt right.

But his lover had run away.

Kirishima POV:
He should of told me he wanted to leave. I would've helped him! He didn't have to leave without a trace. Not leaving a damn clue! I punched the mirror. It shattered quickly, looking down at my hand it was bleeding once more. But I know I activated my quirk. "Kirishima Ejiro, correct?" I look at the door and see a man in black his quirk seemed to be activated as his hair was lifted into the air. I nodded and started reaching to the medical cabinet, grabbing the last few bandages. "I am Aizawa Shota. Also known as th-" "Pro Hero Erasure Head, yeah yeah I know ya." I waved my hand in a mocking way before starting to wrap my hand with the cloth. "Aren't.. Nevermind. I was here to ask a few questions. After that I have something to tell you both." Erasure head said gesturing to the kitchen. I walked out and saw Inko staring at a picture of Izuku that hung on the wall. "If you could make it quick." I said turning to the black haired man. "It's only a few. The first one being if you would have any idea where he would run to." I shook my head. "We rarely left the house. Well that's a lie but. He never left by himself, maybe while walking home, I dunno." I shrugged. As much as I wanted to find him I didn't know a lot of information. "Even though he ran away I need to ask, do you know anyone who would wanna take him?" I looked down. "Yea, Inko's ex. His name was Masu. Abused him whenever me and Inko weren't around. But, he wouldn't take him." Aizawa nodded. "Alright, that isn't all but ill question you later. Let's all talk now." I nodded and walked downstairs. Walking up slowly to Inko. "Hey, Inko.. Mr.Erasure head here wants to talk to us. Can you pay attention for a bit." She looked at me and nodded. Her hand gripped the liquor bottle. "Well then. You may or may not know but Izuku Midoriya.. had a connection to the pro hero All Might." I nodded as Inko flinched at the mention of Midoriya. "Well. He, All Might. Would like Kirishima here to be his recommendation for UA High. As a replacement for Izuku Midoriya and showing bravery against a villain when he was captured." My eyes widened. "Really?" I asked standing up quickly. The man nodded, and I smiled. And then I felt my face wetten. "Hey kid are you okay?" I nod and start wiping my tears looking to Inko. I say,

"We get to finish his dream, Mama Mido."

I was giving up on the hope he was alive.


It's here, and I totally don't have like a way future chapter planned out.

My Protector, My Light (Villain! Deku x Villain/Suicidal Kirishima)Where stories live. Discover now