His only friend

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3rd person
Kirishima stood on the railing and turned around to see the dude who he saw just a little bit earlier. "H-Hey Cmon st-tep off that thing." He held out a hand to Kirishima who took it. Tears forming in his eyes. "H-Hey don't cr-ry." Kirishima looked up to him. "The n-names Iz-zuku Mid-doriya." Deku had a crazy stutter that confused Kirishima. "E-Ejiro Kirishima.." He said quietly. "So wh-hy? Why were y-you gonna do it?" Deku had a sympathetic tone. Kirishima was about to answer when Deku's head snapped back. "Wow, why the fuck were you gonna do that?" This greatly confused Kiri. "Oh sorry let me explain something fucker. I Izuku, have two personalities. I'll do that sometimes." He said before snapping his head back. "I-I'm sorry but re-eally. Why?" Kirishima processed this information slowly taking in what Izuku said. "Well, I spend most of my life alone and no one loves me s-o I thought I'd stop the pain." Izuku snapped his head. "That is actually really sad. And if usually just say it's a fucking sob story. But man.." Kirishima looked down and saw Izuku's arms. Shock covered his face. "W-Why'd you do that?!" He snapped his head back. "I-I um.. I saved you beca-ause I didn't wa-ant you to deal with what I went through.."

Kirishima POV:
What did he mean by that? "What do you mean by that?" Izuku let go of Kirishima. "I-I don't w-want to bother you with my sob story.." Kirishima looked at the arm of his savior. It was covered in cuts and scars. No bandages. "N-No.. I told you mine I wanna know yours." I looked back at him. He looked really uncomfortable but sad at the same time. "I-I um.. it's just.. my life was re-rally happy until my friends got qui-irks and they bully me a-and, my mom's boyfriend I-is abusive a-and I do-on't do anything about it and.." I hugged him. Out of what he said I was able to pick out the fact he was quirkless. "The fact people bully you because of that is disgusting." I hugged him tighter. He almost reluctantly hugged me back. After a few minutes Kirishima pulled back. "Wo-ould you like to spend the nig-ght at my place tonight Kirishima?" I nodded. "But when we get to your house we are gonna wash those cuts I don't want me new friend getting hurt."

-At Deku's porch.. Izuku POV-
I opened the door to find my mom sitting at the counter. "Ah, Izuku who is this?" I look at Kirishima who looked a bit worried. "This is my new friend Kirishima.. Don't be nervous she doesn't bite." I whispered the last part. "Nice to meet you Kirishima. Now Izuku, Masu is on his way and once he gets here I'm going shopping." It was as if Kirishima felt me flinch. He put his hand on my shoulder. "Oh! Izu are you alright.. wait does he.." I nod. It's not like I'd tell her what made me flinch. She was to important to me. "Not everything though." She nodded. "Midoriya, your arms." Oh right Kirishima wanted to bandage them. "Hey Ma, me and Kiri are going upstairs." She nodded again. We walked upstairs and I grabbed the first aid. "Well that went better than expected huh fucker?" Kirishima looked at me. He didn't seem to mind me almost yelling at him. "Arms." He was very assertive, it was almost scary. "I'm really surprised you didn't do it to yourself.." He looked up at me. "I mean I probably could but when I get scared I have a tendency to activate my quirk so I wouldn't be able to do it.." My head snapped back. I felt a twinge on my arm, it hurt like hell. I look down to see the hydrogen peroxide a creamy white all over. "YOU NEVER WASHED THESE?!" He was mad. "Dude you could've died all this white means it was infected." I look down. "I-I'm sorry.." he wiped my arm with the paper towel. "No I should say sorry for yelling.." He was being so sincere, something I barely experienced. I look at my arm and smile softly so he couldn't see. He started to wrap up my arm when we heard the door open. "Baby, Hi." Masu was here. "Kiri I need you hide somewhere now." Kiri looked at me in confusion. I heard the steps creak. "Hide now!" I said in a loud whisper. He fell off the bed. The steps got louder. Kiri just hid behind my bed. I sat there patching myself up. The door almost slammed open. I jump and turn around to see Masu. "Hello sir.." I stood up and bowed. I felt Masu's eyes glaring at me. "Little shit. Where did your friend go?" I was gonna get beaten out of this but.. "He left just a little bit ago sir.." I looked up as Masu approached me. "What did I say about having friends at my house?" I stayed silent. This had to of angered him as he picked me up by the collar and punched my gut. "What did I say?!" He yelled quietly. "N-No friends ov-ver." He threw me onto the floor. I looked up at him; he wasn't done yet.

Kirishima POV:
I had been sitting behind the bed for quite a while. I heard the sounds of Izuku's pain. "Useless.. Quirkless.." The old man said. I heard the door shut, his mom had just left. "How many times have I told you to just die!" After those words I wanted to stand up. I wanted to hurt the old man. "Time for the last punishment of the day fucker.. shirt off." I heard Izuku stand up quiet sobs from his mouth could be heard. "Turn around move and I'll make it worse." I swear if I could've I would've killed him in a heartbeat. It was quiet. Other than the slight sobs. I was thinking he had left when I heard a very loud scream. "STOP PLEASE!!" There was a sound of sizzling. 'That mother fucker was burning Izu's skin' I was fighting the urge to punch the old man but I knew that if I did I'd get Izu in more trouble. After a few more minutes of Izuku's painful screams it all stopped and the door shut. I immediately stood up to see Izuku stumbling to stand up. "I got you." I said and ran up to him. He had very toned muscles, I felt my cheeks turn pink. I looked at his face and saw his cheeks were stained with tears. Still quiet sobbing. I held him close avoiding the back. "Kiri.." He held me tight. I knew I was going to protect him as long as I lived. He was my light, "I'm not gonna let anything else happen to you. I swear."

3rd person:
Kirishima left just to knock on the door. Of corse he waited to see Inko arrive. By dinner he explained to her he lived alone in an apartment and couldn't afford to move. "Well Kirishima, you can stay with me and Izuku." Izuku and Kirishima could feel the glares of Masu on their skin. "Are you sure mam? I won't be a bother?" He knew this plan would work. Inko seemed like the type of person to take in a lost child. Izuku was just happy knowing that with Kirishima Masu would be less likely to hurt him. "I can go send and email to the schools and tell them that they will be gaining a new student." Inko stood up and walked upstairs. "Izuku.. a word." Masu said very irritated. They walked outside Kiri followed shortly after. "W-What is wrong s-ir.." Masu looked down at the breaking boy. "Even if you'll have a new figure in the house, don't think I'm going to hesitate to put you in that hospital." The man said before grabbing the boy by the collar and throwing him to the ground. "In fact I like him more than you.. he has a quirk.. he has guts.. he isn't useless." He started to hurt the boy a bit more. Kiri was fighting the urge to lunge at the man. His only friend was getting beat up on by a man that thought he was higher than the boy. When in-fact he was obviously lower than the pure boy. "Don't tell him if anybody else about this.. or it will be the last thing you do shit. Do you understand!" He yelled, not earning anything but tears from the boy. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!!" He yelled again. This time he earned a head nod from the boy. He started to walk off. As soon as he was inside Kiri ran to the boy. "Izu are you okay?" He was very worried about the boy. "Kiri.." "Yea Izu?" The boys were hugged happily as Izuku pulled away. "If I go missing or anything happens to me.. promise me you'll become a hero and forget about me. And put Masu in jail too" Kiri was shocked. He just told him to forget about him. "I'll do anything but forget about you." He smiled as he helped the boy to his feet and they walked into the house.

My Protector, My Light (Villain! Deku x Villain/Suicidal Kirishima)Where stories live. Discover now