Jack Avery | sad

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This week Christmas is coming up, I should be super happy but my boyfriend Jack is NEVER here. I understand he has a job, but he never calls, never texts and when he can visit he's too busy either working or partying to even go on one simple date with me. I keep trying to talk with him about this but he always says these exact words "sorry babe my schedule is flooded, maybe later on we can talk." and that's about it. I tried talking to Syd his sister considering I live with the Averys but she said to give him a chance, even though I've given him twenty. His fans absolutely hate me, his family thinks I'm too pushy and I never get to see him. I know this is all a huge mess and I'm basically just rambling, but I'm so tired of not being with Jack. Today I was told he would be coming back home for a couple days for a small break then he has to go back to Europe to perform. I'm thinking that if this time I get zero attention, I'm gonna break up with him.
*puts diary and walks downstairs*
"HI CORAAA" little isla comes and hugs cora happily, and receives one back. "how are you doing isla?" she smiled "I'm doing good!! gtg!!" isla ran off with her ponies and went to play, causing cora to giggle softly. "hey girl, you seem stressed?" ava looked at cora knowing something was wrong. "well, kinda." "talk to me" cora sighs and looks at her "you see, Jack and I never talk. He never texts, calls and when he's here he doesn't even pay any attention to me and so.. today if he doesn't pay me some attention, im gonna break up with him.." coras voice cracked as she fought back the tears that were preparing to go everywhere. "cora. You do what you need to do, okay?" ava puts her hand on coras shoulder and sighs "i hope i dont have to do this. he's so stressed with work." "cora. he should make time to at least send an 'i love you' text when he wakes up or goes to bed, okay? if you need to break up with him do it. don't make yourself feel guilty by finding small reasons to feel bad." cora nods and gets up off the stool she was sitting at. "Thankyou ava." ava and her both hugged and went their separate ways. A couple hours passed and Cora came to the kitchen to get some hot tea for herself, and as she was letting the tea brew she heard a knock on the front door. Cora let her tea to sit as she headed towards the living room, to check whoever it was that was knocking. She opened it up to see Jack, the other four boys, Zack and Eben standing there. "hiii!!" cora instantly hugged Jack and he quickly hugged her then walked in "hi" he turned to the boys and continued laughing with them as he paid no attention to Cora, like usual. "babe?" she tried catching his attention, but was once again ignored by the boy she thought loved her. Corbyn and Jonah kept looking at Cora considering they knew what was going on between her and Jack. Cora got fed up with the way her boyfriendwas treating her and pushed him slightly "JACK AVERY" Cora slammed the island in the middle of the kitchen everyone was standing at and caused Jack to glare. "What do you want, Cora?" the tears built up making her vision blurry. Jack sighed and led her to another room to have a real conversation with her. "What happened between us...?" Cora looked at Jack and waited for an answer and he just grabbed her hands. "babe. things happen. people grow and grow apart, thats just apart of life." cora softly cried since she knew what exactly Jack was about to do. So, he pulled her to his chest and rubbed her back then left a few kisses on her head. "It has nothing to do with you, okay? I'm just so focused on my career and life that I slowly pushed you away. I've been meaning to end this for a while, I just couldn't handle to do such a thing to a girl like you. I like you, i really do, i just don't love you like I did at one point." Jack comforted Cora and let a few tears slip as he let go his relationship of three years go down the drain. "Thankyou." cora pecked his cheek and wiped her tears "for what?" "being the best first boyfriend a girl could ask for. You gave me a lot of advice I might be able to use sometime in the future." his sad face, soon lit up with joy "im glad. and remember that you can always call me for anything. Now that I'm scared to call due to us falling out of love." they both laughed and hugged. Jack leaned his head down and softly kissed her one last time. They both pulled away and sighed in relief. "goodbye Jack." "goodbye Cora" they both went their separate ways, and never spoke to each other again.


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