The Day She Lost It All

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Lia walked home with a smile on her face as she recalled her day. It held giggles and bone crushing hugs. Lia could never find a better best friend than Rachel. 

When Lia arrived at her street she picked up the pace, excited to tell her mom the news.

She was nearly home when her nose twitched. Her face crinkled as she smelled the smoke. 

"Why do people smoke?" She questioned, annoyed. 

Her eyes scanned the area, but no one was around. She shrugged it off and continued home with a bounce in her step. She still couldn't believe Ryan had asked her out! A light blush fluttered across her cheeks at the memory. Lia shook her head.

"Focus on getting home," she muttered, "You can think about Ryan later when you tell mom."

Sirens suddenly penetrated the silence, making Lia jump in fright. She quickened her pace as the sirens got louder.

"I hope everyone's alright," she whispered to herself.

Lia ran the rest of the way home, and the sight that greeted her brought her to her knees. She let out a strangled yelp as wept. Her mother, father, and little brother were carried out of their burning house by four firemen. None of her family members looked to be breathing and she bet she looked the same. The men put her family in the ambulance and Lia sat on the sidewalk, shaking. As the vehicle drove away she began sobbing uncontrollably. 

"Please come back," she called out, "Please..."

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