Chapter 24

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I reading the paper Azazel just gave me, it contains the detail of the ORC training during summer.

Y/N: you sure he can do it?

Azazel: yes I'm sure, he already agreed to train the red emperor.

Y/N: and the others?

Azazel: I also have a special training session already planned.

I think for a moment.

Y/N: and chaos brigade?

Azazel: they didn't make any moves yet, but if they do we will be ready.

Y/N: well looks like you got everything covered.

Azazel then looked at me and smile a bit.

Azazel: you know, last time I saw you this serious was when the peace treaty was signed.

Y/N: well, that summit was important to all of us so it's normal for me to serious about that.

Azazel: yeah, thanks to you, at least we can live a bit peaceful for a moment.

Y/N: (sigh) if only this could last.

Azazel: we all wishes the same, but it's seems like there's always someone who will try to ruin it.

Y/N: yeah.

Azazel's face then turned serious

Azazel: Y/N?

Y/N: hmm?

Azazel: are you sure about your vision?

Y/N: yes, he has returned and he's waiting for the right time to make his moves.

Azazel: what makes you so sure about that?

I crossed my arms and sigh a bit.

Y/N: (sigh) you remember that I was infused with his blood when Numor tried to create a creature that equal to Bahamut?

Azazel: yes, I still remember it clearly. It's hard to imagine how you survive that experiment.

Y/N: I also wondering the same thing. Anyway, due to having his blood flowing in my veins I somehow connected to him. I can feel his anger, his lust for this world. He's ready to launch another attack, this time more dangerous than the last.

Azazel: if that's true, then you gonna need an army.

Y/N: I already sent message to the dragon realm. We should be ready for an all-out war anytime soon.

Azazel: (sigh) Sirzechs, Michael, Serafall and I already began our preparation for war. But it seems our army will look inferior compared to the dragon faction.

Y/N: (chuckle) don't sell yourself short, with the other willing to deploy their army has been a huge help on our side.

Azazel: don't sweat it Y/N, it's has been our duty to protect this world.

Y/N: well if that's all, I'm gonna head home. See you tomorrow, Azazel.

I then started to walk towards the doorway. When I'm about to reach it...

Azazel: Y/N, before you go can I ask you something?

Y/N: what is it?

Azazel: if the Voidlord is indeed has returned, can we win again this time?

I turned around and smiles.

Y/N: have faith.

I then walked away.

--with Azazel--

Azazel: (sigh) that guy...

he leaned on his chair and stare outside.

Azazel: why can't you be honest to us and let us help?

-- with Y/N --

He walked to a vending machine near the school gate and insert a coin into it and choose a can of soda.

Y/N: (sigh)

He took a long sip of it. Then he feels a small hand tugging his shirt.

Koneko: Y/N?

Y/N: huh?

He turned around and see koneko standing in front of him.

Y/N: koneko, Why aren't you home yet?

Koneko: i-i just wanted to walk back home with you.

Y/N then smiles and kisses her forehead.

Y/N: you still feel guilty about it?

Koneko: y-y-yes,

He frowns a little.

Y/N: why? That asshole deserves it anyway.

Koneko: but you get in trouble because of me.

Y/N: (smiles) it's okay, besides Sona let me off the hook. So there's nothing to worry about.

Koneko: I...

She still seems troubled, he grabbed her shoulder and hug her.

Koneko: Y-Y/N?

Y/N: no matter what happens to me, I'll always be here for you. Okay?

Koneko: okay.

Then they hear a voice from behind them.

Alice: Wow, I never thought you can get this romantic.

Y/N: s-sister?!? How long have you been standing there???

Alice: (chuckle) long enough to see the whole scene.

Y/N: i-i-i

She smiles and patted his head

Alice: well, I'm glad my little brother can get serious about something.

Y/N: h-hey, what's that supposed to mean?

Alice: I mean you usually act childish all the time.

Y/N: no I don't.

Alice: yes you're.

Y/N: w-w-wha...?  Koneko don't just stand there, say something

Koneko: (chuckle) Well, she's not wrong you know.

Y/N: you're taking her side?

Koneko: hehehe

Alice: (chuckle) just give up kid, you are outnumbered.

Y/N: (sigh)

Alice: come on let's go home.

Y/N: yeah, the rest must be worried by now.

Koneko: it's already late anyway.

They walked home together, it's a quiet walk home. Until Alice decided to talk

Alice: so Y/N

Y/N: hmm?

Alice: have you ever thought about visiting the orphanage?

Y/N: well, a lot is happening recently, so I can't give much thought about it

Alice: well I think it's better if you and xenovia pay them a visit sometimes.

Y/N: yeah, I'm gonna be surprised if sister Theresa still recognizes me.

Alice: (chuckle) Well you're her number one trouble maker, how can she forget you?

He crossed his arms

Y/N: hmmph

Alice: (giggles)

Y/N: (maybe she's right, it's been a long time since I was adopted, I wonder she's still okay?)

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