important/not a chapter

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first of all let me say i am super sorry for such a long wait on the update, but the chapter is slowly but surely getting done. it should be up soon, im really sorry. but that isn't why I'm posting this.

the reason I'm posting this (and I'm probably gonna be leaving this up because i am just so angry) is because i had a friend of mine direct me to a story that was pretty similar to this one. and when i say "pretty similar" i don't use it vaguely. I skimmed it over myself and most of the things happening in that story are pretty much the same. the cellmates, the 'princess' nickname just to piss kellin off, vics gang of friends, a bunch of stuff like one of the only things that aren't accurate is kellins sentenced to jail for 3 months.

im not saying the jail setting is off limits, im just saying this jail scene for this ship was an original idea and the small details i put into it are all mine and i don't appreciate when someone steals my ideas but i mean, who would appreciate that? like im trying hard to stay calm with this but this isn't the first time someone has stolen from me and if i don't say something it probably won't be the last.

im sorry if this doesn't apply to you which it probably doesn't, but it does apply to some and they know who they are. update coming soon guys sorry for the wait ok bye

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