Girls Day Out

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Xander's grandmother picked them up at the airport Saturday morning.

At the house

Xander: Well here it is! Welcome to my home!

Alexa: I like it! It feels very cozy and the backyard is beautiful.

Grandma Kay: Why thank you honey!

Alexa: No problem!

Xander: Where's Ness?

Grandma Kay: She got home late from a party last night.

Xander: Party huh?

The two women watch as Xander filled a pot of ice and cold water from the fridge.

5 minutes later...


The two see Xander run down the stairs laughing and followed by an angry and drenched Ness.

Ness: You will pay for that!!!

Xander: Then you shouldn't be underage drinking at a frat party then!

Ness: I wasn't in a frat party! I was on a date!

Xander: A date you say?

Ness flustered that she openly admitted that she was on a date.

Ness: I mean...umm...shit.

Then the two hear laughter coming from the couch.

Ness: Lola! You see what he did?!?

Grandma Kay: I should be mad at him but you did lie.

Alexa: I found it hilarious!


Xander: AND WHO'S MIKE?!?

Alexa: She is soooo a mini version of you!

Ness: Hell no! I'm hell of a lot prettier!

Xander: And more of a nuisance...

Grandma Kay: Alright everyone calm down and let's get Lexi settled in.

Grandma Kay helped Lexi set up the guest room she'll be staying in while Ness and Xander went to clean up the mess in her room.

After Dinner

Ness: So how's living in Orlando like?

Alexa: Hot, humid, and more rain than here. But the trade off is that DisneyWorld is close by.

Ness: Hot, humid, and rain...sounds like the Philippines to me.

Alexa: Hm, true. How is it like living with Xandie?

Ness: Xandie?

Alexa: My nickname for him when we were kids.

Ness: I gotta tease him about it.

Alexa: Go for it girl!

Ness: Yesss! But living with him. He's great. He supports us and he helps me with my studies when he can.

Alexa: He's great ain't he.

Xander: Who's great?

Ness: You!

Xander: Ah, thank you!

Ness: Hey Lexi you want to hang out tomorrow?

Alexa: Sure! There's a bunch of malls around here that we can go.

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