Princess Down...

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WWE Performance Center mid-January...

Triple H and Shawn were watching Xander and Finn do a mock match to have him evaluated.

Hunter: Looks like he hasn't missed a step.

Shawn: If anything I think he got faster.

Hunter: Yeah, he's leaner but put up some muscle.  That's good, he'll be back by no time.

Shawn: Yup, but he's going to be sitting out for a bit more so Vince can sort out a storyline for him.

Hunter: Yeah.

He turns to the two in the ring.

Hunter: Alright! Y'all can stop now!

The two stopped and high fives one another and sat on the apron of the ring.

Xander: Man that felt good.

Finn: I'll say, you looked like you weren't even out for a week let alone almost a year.

Xander: Thanks bro.

Hunter: Just talked with the trainers and the doctor, you are cleared to return.

Xander: Sweet, I guess the only issue is storyline huh?

Hunter: Sadly yes.

Xander: Can't I just challenge the current IC champ since I never lost the title?

Hunter: That's one way to do it, but it's all on Vince on what he wants to do.

Xander: Alright, at least it gives me time knock some ring rust off.

Shawb: If that was ring rust, then you firing on all cylinders must be a walking 5 star match.

Post-Fastlane Smackdown...

Alexa's theme hits. Her and Nikki walk to the ring to start A Moment of Bliss.

Alexa: Alright! Let's start the show!

Nikki: Please welcome our guest, the new Intercontinental Champion Elias!

He walks out but not alone...

Alexa: What are they doing here?

Elias: I didn't want to be out here with people lower than me two so enlisted people who are.

Alexa and Nikki had annoyed faces.

Sasha: What's wrong?

Bayley: You scared?

Alexa: More like annoyed, but moving on. Since former champion Mustafa Ali got injured in your match you have no opponent.

Sasha: Good, Elias deserves to have some rest after that grueling match.

Alexa: Grueling match? He clubbed Ali behind the back with his cheap guitar he gets from a Downtown LA crackhead!

Sasha: Excuse me! That's no way to talk to your humble guest.

Elias: And for your information I get my guitar at Pawn shops!

Nikki: Like that makes it any better.

Bayley: The disrespect really makes you two a bunch of bitches!

Alexa: Wow, original. Did you practice that line in front of a mirror for the last two days? Or did your "boss" tell you to say that?

Sasha: You know what? You want to go?

Alexa: Bring it discount Queen Latifa!

At that point the women went at it. Bayley and Nikki were at each other.

Blissed Reunion [Alexa Bliss X OC] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now