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Write a chapter which has it's a small world incorporated into it

It was on my second week that I discovered something. It was on something small, but it was something at least. When I was in the showers one day, coated with sweat (Sorry for that image), I heard singing. I stepped out of the stream of water, just to hear a little better, and I blinked. It was a soft, barely in tune mumble. Once dry, the investigator in me decided to- well- investigate.

They sung, over and over and over, "it's a small world after all"

I tiptoed around until, finally, I found the source of the noise. I could see their blurred silhouette standing in front of the water, still singing as they washed. There were clothes outside. Shoes, pants and- oh my freaking God!- Mickey Mouse's head. I was so in shock that I hit my head on the shower door, very inconspicuous (Not.).

"Oh crap"

It was bad enough that I had just worked perhaps one of the busiest shifts in my life, and that I could still smell the faint stench of puke (Yes, a kid puked on me. Lovely, I know), but now I had not only (possibly) blown my cover, I had possibly acquired concussion or something.

Cinderella would not look good with a huge bump on her head.

A laugh suddenly escaped my lips- oh God, were my injuries that bad?.


I blinked. Even now, off duty, they kept the high pitched voice of Mickey.

Before I could be discovered, I snuck out. I was so close- so freaking close!- but now I'm so far.

When I got home, I could hear it again. The out of tune, annoying mumble of the same words, over and over.

"It's a small world, after all"  


Hey! This is a bad chapter. Just a filler chapter. Maybe things will get better as the book goes on. Attached is a video of It's a Small World-- it's from Disney Land Paris but it's the only one I could get. So, what did you think of the chapter? Let me know.

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