a proposition

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Sira's pov
" thanks Waterisa, now to get to Fira, i have to stop the fighting and raise a flag of peace, make the world whole once more." I burst through the water and i flap strongly, hitting the air gracefully. I fly through the blackened rock sea stacks that likely formed over years of rage. I eventually reach a boiling volcano and i land. My feet land softly on the blackened land, my memories threatening to make me panic again as i continue onwards. I see fira at the center of the volcano, fire and lava geysers surrounding her. I take off in a soft glide, slowly lowering till i stand next to her. I say," you have a nice kingdom, could do with a bit less ash though, brings back memories i'd rather not think of." She turns to me, her eyes filled with hot rage. I sighed and stepped back, respecting her space. She didn't seem to care as she lunged for me and i move easily to the side, sending her over the edge, i grab her hand as she passed and i hold her over the boiling hot magma below. I flap my wings and i catch an updraft, sending me high enough to place her back on her obsidion pillar. She relaxed as i let her arm go, softly landing and she asked," you could've let me fall, Sira of the earth, yet instead you pulled me back up, using your very strange wings. Why?" I smile," cause without you, i would be missing out on my chance to bring peace to the elements, bring harmony to our world, after all, fire and earth live through a cycle right? You destroy and i bring back the life, stronger then ever, we are two halves of a balance, sure i require water and air to work my magic, but fire purges the overpopulation and helps ease out to where theres not too much life, or too much death. You understand?" She softly nods, her red hair flaring slightly with heat and i ask," would you please come with me to finally complete the cycle? Bring back life? Or at least stop the fighting?" She nods. I hold out a hand to her and she grabs on tightly, allowing me to take off and get away from the memories that plauged me.

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