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(authors note: I'm thinking of turning this into shinbakudeku instead of todoshindeku because I noticed I don't write any bakudeku content very often, Shoto would still be Izukus best friend but I'm thinking of doing todokiri)

"Mommy?" The young six year old said tugging on the apron of a greenette female

"Yes zuku darling?" The woman said looking down at the little b-.. girl

"Where do babies come from?" She asked

The woman smiled and shook her head before bending down to the child's level of vision

"They come from independent women like you and me after they fall in love and get married" she said ruffling the little girls hair

"B-but what if I don't wanna be a mommy like you?" She said looking down at her feet

"What do you mean darling?"

"I-I wanna be like daddy! An-and go to jobs, and be strong like him!"

"You Can still be a strong hero zuku, even if you might not be like most hero's, you can be a strong hero like all might!"

"I know mama.. but- I wanna be like shinkun and all the other boys... kacchan told me the same! We're gonna be the strongest people on the playground!" She said bouncing on the balls of her feet

Inko froze in thought before smiling and ushering the young zuku to the dinner table

'What did she mean by "be like the other boys..?" Huh..'

2 years later

"M-momma?" Zuku said hesitantly

"Yes dear?"

"Can we.. um, can we get my hair cut like kacchan did?"

Inko turned to look at the child, narrowing her eyes she realized zuku was on the verge of tears, afraid of what her mother would think about such a short haircut

"Of course Zu" she said smiling "just let me grab my purse, go get your shoes on"

"Yay!" Zuku cried out with a smile

The hair salon

"What kind of haircut do you want dearest?" The male hairdresser said spinning a young zuku to face him

She played with her chest length green hair in thought before looking up at the unruly locks of the hairdresser

"I-I want one like yours! Really Short and fluffy!!" Zuku said with a beaming smile

"Well let's get to work then!" The hairdresser, that Inko later learned was named Niko, quickly became Zukus favourite person an the only hairdresser h-.. she would allow to touch her hair

1 year later

It was the night before zukus 10th birthday and everyone seemed to be excited except for the birthday girl herself

'Is what mama said true? Am I gonna turn into a lady like her? but I don't.. want to..'

She stared into the mirror with disgust before punching it out of hate

The mirror cracked and she kept her bleeding fist to the glass for a second before falling to the ground in tears

"Z-zuku?!" Inko yelled running up the stairs

She threw open the door to see zuku sitting on the floor beside a broken mirror, holding a bleeding fist to her chest and sobbing

"Oh honey.." Inko said rushing to her side "whats wrong?"

Zuku hid her face in her mother's chest and sobbed quietly

"I- I don- don't wanna b-be a lady.."

"What do you mean darling?"

Inko never got an answer

1 more year later

Zuku was now 10, her eleventh birthday being a month away
Ever since that night where she punched the mirror she couldn't help but think

It seemed her ending up sobbing in her mother's arms was becoming a birthday tradition because here they were again, only this time she wasn't in pain or crying tears of joy

She was afraid

Of what her mother would think

Of what her friends would think

She knew kacchan wouldn't mind but shinkun and her newest friend shochan would probably hate her

"Dear we cant keep doing this" Inko said chuckling at her own joke

"Mama.. I-i don't want you to hate me.." she whimpered

"Oh zuku.. I could never hate you"

"You're g-gonna Th-think Im gross an-and weird"

"Baby you need to tell me what's wrong.." Inko said fearfully

"I-I don't... I don't wanna be a girl anymore" she- no he said gripping his mother's cardigan like his life depended on it

Inko stayed silent as let her baby cry I to her shirt

"I- I wanna be like The other boys, I wanna- uhm i wanna play in the mud, I wanna wear clothes like them, an- and I wanna look like them"

When his mother didn't say anything he assumed the worse and dug his face deeper into her chest, trying to hide himself from the outside world

"Oh honey.. it's perfectly okay to feel like that okay? You're still my child, my sweet baby boy"

And with that the dam holding back all his fears broke

He was filled with relief as his mother's hand trailed through his short green curls, ugly sobbing could be heard from miles away as Inkos son broke down in her arms

That year izuku was born

For his eleventh birthday he was gifted a proper binder and a male school uniform, they had his name legally changed for the start of the new year in his new school

And kacchan helped him burn his dresses, as a thank you for helping him burn his

Katsuki bakugou And izuku Midoriya were more determined than ever to be hero's

921 words

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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