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While he play the key of the  piano piece .he can feel that there is something strange in his prof..the way he intensely gaze on him that makes his whole body shivering but he pretend that he did'nt mind at all.
"Prof.Zhujue..is there something wrong?.... I feel tha-" shenwei didn't finish his words when zhujue starting to approach him.
"No nothings wrong everything is right! Even my feelings for you...I can't hold it anymore.... Hmmp you smell so good.," Prof. Zhujui hug and try to kiss the startled Shenwei.
"No!let go! Don't touch me!"he push him hard,and try to run away but Zhujue caught him. Shenwei use all his strength to push Zhuju...but not avail he is too strong enough to laid him on the floor..he try too punch and kick him but its not working ..the man is determine on what evil thing he wants to poor shenwei..Zhujue punch him in his stomach.
"No! Don't!please don't!" Shenwei is starting to cry..his  still fighting but his strength beggining to  fade..he almost lost his hope..when he feel that Zhujue is starting to tore his shirt..
"Shenwei.., I'm always here...don't be afraid.," Shenwei remember Yunlan.
"No!!!!Helpp! Yuuunllaann!!" Shenwei scream all his remaining strength..
"So you think your gardener will help you!!!No!!cause your mine!!only mine!!" Zhujue said before licking and kissing Shenwei exposed skin...
"You bastard!!!" Zhao yunlan pull Zhujue on Shenwei's top.And land a strong Punch on the mans jaw that almost disconnected by it..
"You! I kill you!!Zhujue punch back but Yunlan counter it with a side kick on his abdomen.. Then Yunlan give him another cross punch and upper cut..then his fell unconscious on the floor.
" Shenwei are you alright?! Are you hurt any were?!Yunlan asked worriedly.When he saw Shenwei whole body is shaking and any time his legs may give in but he still manage to stand up...
"Yunlan! Behind you!" Shenwei scream. When he saw Zhujue manage to stand and aiming a blade on Yunlan.

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