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A knock wake them from the heated kiss.,they both feel awkward. Shenwei is blushing looking down while Zhao yunlan unconsciously touch his nape then shyly smile.
" I need to.....to the bathroom....to go..." Yunlan said unconsciously crumble his words.
" OK ..... I open the door, " shenwei just said standing and walk to open the door..
When Shenwei open the door he saw Lingjing looking down .
" Ling--" Shenwei didn't finish his words when suddenly Lingjing flip him on the wall and hovering him.
" Ling--jing!!! Let--go!!" Shenwei try to fight but Lingjing is to strong ..Shenwei eyes frightened,when he feel a sticky thing licking his neck upward his cheeks..Lingjing tounge is long than normal and its look like a long tounge of a snake.his eyes is pure black and his saliva is sticky... His nails is long and sharp like his teeth...Shenwei can feel it on his shoulder and his waist.
"Your mine...only mine." Zhujue said while inhaling shenwei scent and Licking him.
Yunlan gets a metal chair and strongly hit Ling at the back,Limgjing hardly landed on the floor, Yunlan hold shenwei's hand and they both run fast outside the room.

Ling who is dislocated his bones and broken his limb, stand like nothing happened to him.he just chasing the two man like an animàl in four feet chasing his prey..

Outside the hotel they'd heard screams., but yunlan is determined to take away Shenwei he saw a horse then without thinking twice he expertly ride on it..then pull the startled shenwei and catch him sitted on his front..He ride the horse as fast as he can without looking back..Shenwei sitting face to face with yunlan...behind them he saw Ling like an animal running faster and trying to chase them he jump on the trees.
" don't look... Close your eyes.
Hold on tight!!.trust me..." Yunlan whisper to him...he rode the horse like an expert jockey.

"What.....happened-- to Ling?"Shenwei asked after a long period of fast ride on the horse.
Yunlan smell that sweet scent of Shenwei that lingering on his nostrils.., he also feel that the guy is shaking.,,He only known Long for a short while but he knew that Ling is a brother and a friend for Shenwei.
" His is no longer Ling.....And His coming for you.... But trust me....we will finish this...I would be with you all the way.." Yunlan said Shenwei just nods.

After 3 hours of speed ride..not even stop for a while..yunlan feel that the horse begun to slow...but he already saw that the temple is near..
" yunlan...his no longer followed" Shenwei said while patting the guy.
"Wh--!!" Yunlan didn't finish what he about to say when Ling jump on them over the tree they both fall at the horse..
Yunlan groans in pain..he almost stop breathing on the impact. He saw Zhujue hovering Shenwei.but Shenwei is still fighting, kicking,punching with all his might...
Yunlan push himself to Stand up and try to punch Zhujue but his ready on Yunlans attack he grab Yunlan's neck..and he held him high to choke him..
"Die!!!!!!!!!" Zhujue smirk evilly.
"Yunlan!!!!!!!!!" Shenwei scream.

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