•14: Stahb it•

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"Kim fucking Taehyung-" 

"Can't hear you!" Taehyung closed his eyes and deeply inhaled. 

"I swear if you-" 



"-PA-CITO oyfejstxenbxtdsgburiTO....qadghejgatwjdo....tanGOOOO~" 

"This fucking asshole." Jungkook cursed under his breath while feeling the tightness of his chest due to his rising temper. 

"Tae, turn it off!!" Jungkook shouted but his voice was drowned under the loud irritating music because a certain considerate mate turned the volume of the speakers to the max level while singing with all his might and doing a little dance within the confined area of the car's passenger seat beside his really annoyed werewolf mate who can do nothing at the moment because his hands are quite occupied with the steering wheel. 

"Taehyuuung!!" Jungkook growled and finally, Taehyung adjusted the volume level lower and turned look at him. 

"Turn that off." Jungkook commanded, glaring at the driveway. 

"No can do amigo!" Taehyung replied while still doing some little dance. 

"Tae," Jungkook let out a huff of annoyance, feeling the flare in his chest heating up even more.

"Fucking. Turn.That.Off." He continued, stressing each word between his gritted teeth. 

"Why? It's too quiet!" Taehyung pouted, looking at the big red bluetooth speaker on his hands. 

"Then use a goddamn earphone!" The younger retorts with a 'duh' tone matching his usual eye roll. 

"I didn't bring mine." The vampire answered and smiled at his mate whose eyebrows twitch, another sign indicating that ten percent of his patience has yet again, vanished. 

"I don't care! Just turn that off or I'll throw you in the middle of nowhere!" The true blood exclaimed, already becoming furious because for whatever reason, he just hates having a long drive with a loud disturbing music. I mean, it's just Jungkook being Jungkook. 

"But I'm bored and you don't talk at all! I'm not gonna let an eight-hour-drive to be so quiet. I'm going to die!" The vampire muttered, determined on his resolve while his mate groaned, being so close to throwing the older out of his car right there and then. 

"Then sleep!" 

"Can't. I'm too excited."  Jungkook tried to calm down. Note, tried. But at least he's really trying as he did his anger management exercises. Breathe in, breathe out. Think of happy thoughts. Try not to kill anyone. Killing is bad. You're not bad. Relax. 

"Listen, shithead. Why don't you just read a book, play games on your phone, count the trees we pass by or just anything that would cause less noise and shut your mouth? Hm? Can you do that? Because if you can't, I swear I'll throw you out right now." Jungkook stated calmly but his words were obviously coated with venom that supposedly threaten the vampire. 

"Well," Taehyung started, thinking about what his mate has just suggested. "First of all," He then looked at his mate who was still glaring at the road ahead. "Bitch. You just called me shithead. Second, no. I can't do all of what you just said." He continued with a smirk and Jungkook glanced at him then gave him the signature eye roll with a sigh. 

"I mean, I didn't bring a book, the games on my phone needs stable internet connection and lastly, I don't find trees that interesting." He uttered and Jungkook almost felt defeated. He doesn't know what to feel anymore. To be tired or angry or just too tired to be angry. 

[REPUBLISHED] Accidentally Yours | TaeKookWhere stories live. Discover now