•Bonus Chapter: Finally•

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"Tomorrow is canceled."

Jimin read out loud, each word slipping from his lips slowly, making the people around him, namely Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon, except Yoongi, gasped a little with eyes wide open in shock.

"What!? Are you sure!? Wait! What the hell!?"

Jin was starting to become hysterical as he quickly checked his phone, only to become more heartbroken seeing the same message.

"What the fuck is their problem!?" Jimin exclaimed before groaning in frustration.

"No. This can't be. We already arranged everything and I even settled the business matters." Namjoon mumbled to himself, blankly staring ahead but internally screaming as he was reminded all the troubles he had to go through being the next man in charge.

"Call that stupid brat." Yoongi said to his mate. Even him was irritated because he doesn't like it when his work is being disrupted but he makes exemptions and if he does, it better be worth it or else, he might go on rage mode and that's definitely not good.

"He's not fucking answering!" Jimin shouted and let out a sigh as if he was trying to control himself from panicking and getting furious just like Jin at the moment.

"He's not answering. Oh god. What will I do? What's wrong? I'm going crazy! But they are crazier! What are they doing!? What the hell is their problem!? Oh my god." Jin kept blabbering as he hysterically look around and to his phone.

"Uhhmm. Tomorrow is canceled? What's gonna happen tomorrow anyway?" Hoseok asked with a full bright innocent smile.

"Tomorrow. Yeah. Tomorrow is Taehyung and Jungkook's wedding." Namjoon absentmindedly answered like a robot, his eyes still staring ahead, looking so calm and composed but he was internally breaking down asking himself what's the purpose of his life.

"That's why we're here, Hoseok! Don't you remember? We're here to make final checks! We're here to make sure everything is perfect! To make sure tomorrow will be the best day of their lives!" Jin muttered in one breath.

No one can blame them for being overly dramatic though because preparing a big event is actually exhausting and very stressful.

It started from what theme they choose, the venue, the food, the clothes, the decorations, the invitations, the tokens and gifts, the guests, the reservations and all other stuff they needed to do just because they voluntarily promised that they will be the ones who will organize the wedding of their most loved friends.

"Oh. Yeah. I almost forgot." Hoseok let out an awkward laugh. "But I think they will be okay. Trust me, I'm your hope!" He continued smiling as if he's certain that everything will be okay.

"O-okay. You're right. I think those two will will be okay." Jin calmed down, hoping that their friends aren't that dumb to just throw their wedding day.

"Mmm. Those two are really-uughh." Jimin muttered and just rolled his eyes and sighed in defeat. "But, what happened?"

It's a question that everyone has in their minds at the moment.

Yeah. What the fuck happened to the couple that are supposedly getting married tomorrow?

"Taehyung, what the fuck is this?"

"A makeover?"

"Taehyung, we don't need this."

"What? You didn't like that I renovated our room?"

"I was just out for a whole day and this happened." The younger groaned in frustration, sounding so drained.

Oh but please understand him. Since he will get married, he had to tie up any loose ends, making sure his tasks are neatly completed before he hands them to Namjoon who will have to take over his place for the time being because of course, after the wedding, they had planned their lovey dovey alone time, probably going on a trip.

[REPUBLISHED] Accidentally Yours | TaeKookWhere stories live. Discover now