HQ (K, Ann, H@ck)

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"Hey~ we're back!" Yelled the man as he entered the building. Sakura quietly slept while the man carried him.
"Oh! Welcome back!" Said a teenage girl as she passed by.
"H@ck! Is the boss here?" Asked the lady
"Hm...I don't think so....." replied H@ck, "....who's that? Your child after an affair?" she says after she looks at Sakura and the man.

"Why do you think I'd have an affair!" retorted the man.
"Because~ I don't think Miss Ann would" said H@ck.
"H@ck... You know how K and I were sent on the mission to steal the weapon?" said Ann.
H@ck nods and says "uh yeah."
Slowly, Ann says, "Well...the-"
"This kid was the weapon." Interrupts K.

Shocked, H@ck stands still with her mouth hanging.
"Hey! Why did you interrupt me!" Yells Ann.
"You talk too slowly!" Replied K
They continue to bicker.

Sakura woken up from the noise, rubs his eyes. H@ck notices that Sakura woke up.

"Hey you two. Stop with the lovers quarrel. I think he woke up." She said.
"Who are you calling a couple!" responded K and Ann.

Confused with what's going on, Sakura looks at K,who is carrying him, then looks around and sees Ann and H@ck. Unable to understand the situation, he starts to tear up.

"H-hey kiddo, calm down" K gently puts Sakura down.
Ann asks "what's your name sweetie?"
Sakura doesn't respond to them.
"Hey what's that thing hanging from his neck?" Says H@ck as she approaches Sakura from behind. Ann gently reaches towards Sakura's neck to pull out a pendant that was hiding under his shirt.
"Hm? It has a cute flower on the front of it..." Ann says while looking at the front of the pendant. She flips it to the back of it to see "39RA" inscribed in the back of it.

"? Is that a code?" said K
"Hm.......Ah!" yells H@ck "I think it says Sakura."
"How?" replies the confused K
"It's pretty simple once you remember it but it's where you read the numbers in Japanese. There are a few ways to read each number and-" H@ck says intelligently
"Ah~ ok. Enough with the explanations. I'll go look for the boss" interrupts K.

H@ck pouts, "hey! Listen when people are explaining!"
"Calm down H@ck, you're scaring him" says Ann.
"Ah sorry about that Sakura" H@ck pats his head.
Feeling a bit calmer, Sakura smiles. Ann and H@ck fall heads-over-heels for him and hugs Sakura. ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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