Day 9 (Sumo/Bark) - Day 10 (Jimbo/video games)

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- Hey Hank, would you like to play a video game with me ? 

- Sure, Connor. Just give me minute and I'm all yours. 

 Connor started the old ps4 that was lying under Hank's TV and sat on the floor, Sumo sleeping next to him. 

At the moment Hank arrived, the screen displayed "Red Dead Redemption 2". 

 - Oh come on Connor, not one of those old games. They're all lame. 

- Not this one Hank. It actually owned some awards. And there's something I'd like to show you in this game.

 - Well... Show me what you've got. 

 They started playing. Connor explained how to play to Hank, who, after some time, revealed to be quite skilled.

 - Hey Connor, didn't you say that you should show me something inside this game ?

 - Yes, I did... Here is Jimbo. 

- Jimbo ? What the hell is that ? 

- Just listen to the character on the screen. 

 And as Hank did, his face shifted with surprise :- He sounds just like you ! How is that even possible ? 

- I don't know, Hank. 

 As they were speaking, Hank was moving his character around Jimbo and unintentionally pushed him in the water nearby.The sound was so loud, it woke up Sumo who barked angrily at the screen, Hank and Connor laughing so hard at such sight.

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