Chapter 2

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I walked off. Well, more like stormed off. Who cares anyways. Nobody loves me. Not Alex, not Cynthia who called me here and then boycotted me or even Luke who has a girlfriend already. He has one and then, dances with me? Alright, its not a crime to have a dance with someone else other than their own girlfriends or boyfriends but he could have at least hinted me that he is not interested in me!

After the long flight of stairs I went into the opposite direction leading to a long, dark alley. It was a shortcut, a squeezy one too. Its not like I've never gone through this shortcut before. In fact, I've been here numerous times. I'm not like those stupid squealing girls you see on movie that are cowards because of some dark path or anything. Not that I'm boasting.

I boldly walked in. Well, you know, imagining this is some glorious red carpet pathway. O-kay that sounds absurd. After a minute, I heard some shoes getting in contact with the wet,damp path. Must have been raining. I turned around, checking if anyone was tailing me. 

There wasn't a single soul. Am I just being too safe on the good side? 'Whatever' I thought. Even if somebody had followed me, I could scream it out loud since I'm super near the school.

"Hey baby." a voice trailed. There have to be a person now or else what? Ghosts? I shuddered at that thought. I turned around again and was scared out of my damn wits. There just wasn't anyone!

"W-Who's there?" I croaked out an miserably, intimidating voice. Hey, don't blame me for my wavering voice. Its just. . . plain scary.

"I'm disappointed in you, how could you not recognize my voice?"

"I don't even know what the heck on Earth are you right now!"

"Guess who am I then."

"I'm not so dumb to be playing this guess who am I game. Can't you just get to the point?"

"I just won't." the voice teased me. Ugh.

Getting flustered, I sprinted through the long alley to the small park that is across my house. I picked up my pace just to find hands cupping my mouth. Those huge hands gripped me with brutal strength. "Let me go!" my voice muffled in his hold. This is a ridiculous situation.

Using the last resort, I bit his fingers. " Ow, that hurts!" The silhouette fling his hands in an up and down motion. I couldn't see the face clearly and obviously wouldn't want to since I just wanna escape peacefully. Guys, I'll teach you this moves if you ever encounter a pedophile.

Step 1: Bite him if he cups your mouth like how I awesomely shown that move.

Step 2: Once he loosen his grip, immediately, kick him in the. . . you know where parts! If he didn't loosen his grip, keep biting him! As hard as you can if possible.

Step 3: (Optional) If you want to punish him more, kick him to whatever times you like and run away smoothly.

These steps worked marvelously for me. I ran to my house in time, fumbled over my bag and rummaged through it to search for my god knows where, house key.

"I FOUND It!" I shouted (Alright, its not such a good idea to shout) and quickly insert the house key. The door was slightly opened as I tried to swing it open frantically. 

Unfortunately, that pedophile had recovered quite quickly and is right behind me. He hovered over me and closed the door with his monstrous strength in his hands or should I say, banged the door? Wait, that sounds really wrong.

I really wanted to giggle at that dumb thought of mine until I realized that now isn't the time to do so. With a minus fact, I'm in some yummy, hot soup. This guy was so close to me and I could practically smell his sweet, cool mint scent that the wind brushed over. It sent shivers down my spine. I was checking out a pedophile with my back towards him though. Was that any different?! I shook away those hideous thoughts and blushed really hard. Even Mother Nature helps him! Stupid wind and the mint scent.

"Ha ha ha ha," he laughed in an awfully cheerful voice.

I turned around, to see Jason! What! I told him not to follow me! He was behind all these pranks! How dare he! I growled at him for his response. I was like, flipping out and here he is, laughing heartily? Very Jason-like.

"You should've seen the look on your face! I couldn't resist laughing it out when I saw it-" 

I narrowed my eyes at him as he continued, bursting with laughter in the public, like a manic.

"It isn't funny!" I scowled at him.

"Yes, it is."

"None for me. No way. Nothing. Zilch."

"Whatever, you just ruined the fun parts."

"You're unbelievable." I rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing here anyways? I explicitly told you not to follow me." I questioned him.

"Oh, I need to pass you a message that Luke hasn't do so."

So, Luke didn't want to confess to me? Since both of them have the same message and Luke has a girlfriend already. Why would he confess to me? Maybe I'm just over thinking the situation.

"Jason. You had to scare me and make me think that you were a pedophile, just to pass me that stupid message? Can't you SMS me or something instead of stalking?"

"Well, its important."

"How much?"


"Continue then, I don't want to waste time here in the cold waiting for you to speak your crazy mind out."

"I'm not crazy but never mind. Don't scream when I tell you this."

"Alright, get your mouth moving dude." 

" You are the descendant of the most famous company owned by your grandfather."

Now, its my turn to laugh it out loud. Or maybe not.

"Wha-what? You chased me all the way to my house just to tell me this piece of crap?"

"It isn't a joke,Amy. Trust me. You are the descendant. They've been finding you since a very long time."

Jason's eyes were locked on mine, with seriousness. Jason is serious which rarely happens. He doesn't lie much too unless this is also a prank on me.

"I-I need to go to the toilet! Goodbye!" I slammed the door shut and locked it. In time to hear some muffled voice calling my name behind it.

What a lame excuse, Amy. Way to go, slamming the door in someone's handsome face. If he gets injured you might as well go to the police station and surrender first. No, Jason won't go to the police station because he already was injured in the. . . manhood part. Most importantly, I'm rich? Nope, this isn't true at all, its all a dream.

I slapped myself.

This is not a dream.



The rest are suspense for the next chapter! Sorry for taking so long to write, my computer shut down  suddenly when I was still writing and I didn't save it! :( VOTE for all the chapters! Love ya. :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2013 ⏰

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