Chapter One: Do You Know What I'm Seeing?

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As she walked in, she could feel all eyes on her. Admittedly she didn't fit the typical "schoolgirl", but she stood it in more ways than one. She held herself with pride, and looked down her nose at everyone she passed. She was inferior in every way, but that soon came crashing down when she saw a smart lady in a blue jacket walking towards her.

"Where is your school uniform? And who are you?" She shouted

"Must have lost it" she replied "and I am Avalon Barnes."

"Well for starters you should be in correct uniform, and you should have come to see me first instead of wondering about like a lost puppy!" She continued, her voice getting higher with each word.

"If you look around, nobody is in the correct uniform, and if you don't mind, I have a class to get to. I know where I'm going." Avalon drawled on, and she pushed past the unknown woman and walked out into the courtyard.

There she saw a number of people, some playing football, some just sat talking and others making up a strange dance. She found a quiet place to sit, plugged in her headphones and turned up the volume. The song playing was 'Bullet' by her favourite band, Hollywood Undead. She then took out a box out of her bag, and pulled a cigarette out of it, lit the cigarette and took a long drawl out of it. Looking around, she could see people were staring at her but she didn't care. By now, she had learnt to ignore everyone and what if her. However, she could just picture what was running through their minds, how odd she was and how she stood up to one of the teachers.

Suddenly someone coughed, and stuck out their hand for her to shake. She looked at the hand and turned away from them, taking another drag of her cigarette. Two more people arrived next to the stranger, and she could feel they weren't going to go away any time soon so she pulled out her headphones and took a good look at the three people which stood before her.

A good looking boy, with blonde hair and was quite tall. He had a slight smile on his face, and was looking her up and down.

A smaller girl stood next to him, she wore glasses and smart uniform. She shrugged at Avalon, like they were friends and had been for many months.

On the opposite side, stood another girl. She held herself high, and looked excited that Avalon was here.

"Hi," the boy said "I'm Oscar."

"Hey, I'm Carrie" said the excited one.

"Hiya, I'm Rose" whispered the girl with glasses.

Avalon looked at all three of them hard, and finally worked out who they were. These three students were part of the MI9 team she was about to join. She thought to herself, I guess I better make a good impression.


She put out the cigarette and put it back in the box.

"I'm Avalon Barnes, and I believe I'm joining your team."

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