Who Is He?

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TRIGGER WARNING: Rape, Violence, Kidnapping

It was my first time ever leaving the country, I couldn't believe my mother finally agreed. She had always been a bit of a shrew, even if she'd never admit it. We come from a small bush town, I'd be lucky to blink without word getting back to my mother. My biggest trip was to New South Wales, nearing my 25th birthday I was absolutely certain I was prepared for new destinations and experiences. I felt as if I could take on the world, I had to ring my mate Phoebe, this bitch was always aching for excitement. Out of my gal pals, she was the only one who was truly fearless. We ended up going with the cheapest flight, with the first recommendation to pop on my screen (Bad idea, I know). Bohemia! "Bohemia? That's surely in Asia" I thought to myself. But after a quick Google search "CZECHIA" in all capital letters appeared on my screen, confirming my ignorance to the world outside of mine. We were actually satisfied with this despite having only basic knowledge of The Czech Republic. The days seemed to pass by ever so slowly as we prepared for our trip in two weeks. How was I supposed to prepare for this? Would I really be tackled for bringing a bottle of perfume? I just wanted to get drunk, explore and have as much casual sex as possible. In my life, I had two boyfriends but I was only sexually active with one, and the experience wasn't worth writing back home about. I was desperate and eager to "test the waters". After packing the cutest clothes I could find, and trying to learn as much Czech as humanly possible I felt prepared for my temporary home. The nearest airport was of course in Melbourne, just being in the airport itself felt strange and foreign. To most flying was routine but I was surrounded by people from all walks of life, they darted pass me as if to say they didn't see me, I was invisible. My bags were searched thoroughly. Reaching our seats, we tried to get as comfy as possible for the long journey ahead. I was starting to regret not taking up the deal on Business Economy seats, as these felt cramped and a baby was crying less than 12 meters from me. A good reminder to always use protection, within an hour I craved a nap but my cries to the sandman fell on deaf ears. I noticed the boy directly across from me, he was trying to hide his gaze. Looking me up and down every chance he was given, he couldn't have been older than 19. I'm not generally interested in younger men, but I must admit he was gorgeous and started to tempt me. My only issue was he knew this and used it to his advantage, even while sitting I could tell he was at least 192cm, with blonde hair, blue eyes and a fit body. I was enjoying the attention, finally I struck up the courage to say "Hi, I'm Colleen are you off to holiday as well?". In a accent I wasn't completely familiar with, he sounded Polish but with a twinge of something else. I couldn't quite put my tongue on it, he smiled "I'm just going home, but I'll be visiting friends in Prague first. I'm Bozidar". I was never the most confident girl you'd hope to run into, but I was also well aware I wasn't hideous at the same time. Standing around 156cm, slim with full breasts, long red hair and blue eyes. I read somewhere that redheads with blue eyes make up less than 2 percent of the population, I had a bit of exotic flare. By the time we were due to arrive in 2 hours, Phoebe had no trouble falling asleep. I was still chatting with my newest flame. He winked, looked to the bathroom and then back to me. He did this 3 times before whispering "5 minutes". "He couldn't possibly be serious, what if this twat robs me?" I thought to myself, perhaps I was a bit racist and didn't trust him for the sake of being Eastern European. He reminded me of the kind of immigrants who rob petrol stations. I started sweating, my palms were a bit shaky. I had this handsome stranger waiting on me in the bathroom. I waited at least another 3 minutes before approaching & practically dragging my feet across the cabin, I slid through the tight space. He was leaning against the sink, he immediately grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me in for a deep kiss. I was speechless, but at the same time I loved every second of it. After a good bit of of kissing, I could see he was hungry for more. He reached his hand under my shirt, looking for the clasps to my bra freeing my 34Ds, they jiggled in his hands. He tweaked my nipples a bit, they perked up almost immediately to his touch forcing me to bite my lower lip. He reached his hand down to my skirt, "I don't think we should..at least not here" I hesitated. " I know you Aussie girls love a good fuck." I was taken back a bit by this comment, but before I could respond he managed to slide his hand up my skirt and penetrate me with his ring finger. Feeling my absolute shame, my wetness. My body betrayed me, I didn't want to fuck a stranger in a bloody stall but at the same time I couldn't bring myself to escape the situation. Working in another finger, I was his. I lost the battle, brimming with desire. Teasing my clit a bit, he knew all the right buttons to push. He retracted his fingers, I whimpered a bit. "On your knees and I'll reward you" he whispered into my ear, I could feel him breathing on my neck. "Excuse me? I don't do that". I snapped, absolutely disgusted at the thought of a dick in my mouth. He didn't seem to care as he pushed me onto my knees and unzipped his fly. Pulling out his semi hard cock it had to be at least 17cm flaccid , I was impressed but I had no intentions of stroking his ego. I kissed the tip of his cock, licked up and down the base and started sucking. He pulled his fingers through my hair and held my head to his pelvis. With one quick motion he pulled me up by a hand full of my hair. Bending me over the sink, he pulled my jeans down. Pushing my red thong to the side, I was completely exposed to him. He entered me slowly, gripping my boobs to steady himself. With one swift motion, he pushed himself completely inside. I let out a gasp and moan that even I was surprised by. "Shhhhh" he whispered in my ear before covering my mouth. Picking up the pace, the only sound that filled the room was his body slamming into mine. He reached around and started rubbing my clit as he pounded me, this took me completely over the edge. I was on the brink of experiencing an orgasm for the first time and I didn't even know his last name but at the same time I didn't care. I started to push back, trying to meet his every thrust. He continued to play with my clit whilst kissing my neck, I could feel my orgasm slowly building up . I bit down on his finger as I came all over his cock. I wanted it, completely oblivious to the fact I was inside a stall with my panties around my ankles. He picked up the pace further, going faster and harder. I could hear his breathing getting deeper and shallow, I wasn't sure if he'd pull out or cum inside me. I heard him groan as he grabbed my hips. Cumming deep inside me. "Clean yourself up." He said before exiting and giving me a peck on the forehead, as if I were a small child. I tried to squat and push the cum out over the toilet, regardless of if this technique was proven to be mute. Rational thoughts rushed back in , I cleaned myself slowly as to not leave immediately after him and make every passenger aware that I just got creampied. I crept back into my chair and closed my eyes..."You fucking slag." Phoebe said, nudging me. We were preparing to land.
Having to get off of the plane and face everyone felt truly mortifying for me, I blushed like a schoolgirl kissing her crush for the first time. I could feel his eyes on me, burning through the back of my head like little lasers. We landed in Prague, and headed for customs immediately. I rushed , practically running I wanted to put as much distance between myself and the plane. In a way, I wanted to forget about the last 5 hours regardless of how enjoyable they were. I wasn't sure if anyone knew I joined the mile high club. Phoebe was quiet and giving me an "eye", she knew. Finally making our way through, a somewhat vigorous process we bought coffee in a posh shop still in the airport. Within 15 minutes I felt a tap on my shoulder. There was no need to turn around, I knew it was Bozidar. He pulled up a chair and joined us, running his fingers up and down my arm. "You must be Phoebe" he nudged. This couldn't possibly be happening to me,"That depends on who you are" Phoebe enquired pinching my thigh slightly under the table. "I'm you're best friend's new best friend." This bloke was bold and had no issue asserting himself, I must admit it was attractive just as much as it was strange. "Well, give me your number. I will find you on Viber, treat you both to drinks." he offered, I didn't actually have Viber, he'd never find me so I gave him my number and turned back to my friend. "See you both very soon" He said before kissing me on the cheek and disappearing into the crowd of people waiting to exit the airport. I saw Phoebe's face, her judging eyes. "I can explain, I promise I can!" I decided to add before she could give me the third degree. I started to forget about my encounter with the handsome stranger, after we hailed a taxi and instructed the man to take us to "The nicest hotel under 700 AUD a night". My expectations were completely blown away to say the least, we arrived in front of this hotel that seemed to be as old as the country itself in architecture alone. Arriving to the front desk, a middle aged woman looked us up and down. Her dark brown hair was cut right at her shoulder blades, she had a single black mole above her top lip, she smelt of coffee and cheap cigarettes. I could tell she wasn't keen on tourists, "We would like a large room with two beds for 14 nights." I smiled to her trying to seem polite, "14 days? Best I can do is 10. We have people who book MONTHS in advance. You come here on the spot with your demands." She said with a very matter of fact tone I realized we'd have to spend our last few nights elsewhere, but I was too tired to argue. At this point, if a man tried to pitch to me to stay in a camper I might actually consider accepting it. "10 days, that's amazing. I'll take it, thank you so much!" I put on my best performance. "Okay, 1,900 euros" she said without emotion. Euros? They don't use Euros in this country. As I was opening my mouth, Phoebe caught me and pulled out her wallet, handing over her card to shut me up. After successfully charging her and handing her receipt "This package does not include complimentary breakfast or dinner, HBO, or any special channels. If you'd like to include "extras" now is the time to pay for them". The nerve of this bitch! I knew Phoebe saw me about to lose my temper, she quickly pulled her credit card out again. "Yes, we'll take HBO and just breakfast no dinner. As for tonight, Id like vanilla ice cream, strawberry smoothies and cheese sandwiches sent to our room in 45 minutes". After paying our fees and taking our key from Helga The Butch, we arrived to our room on the 8th floor. I thought I must have stepped into a episode of Versailles, on our balcony stood a hot tub. The sheets were pure Egyptian cotton, the art on the wall was breathtaking and the room smelt of cinnamon. "I could die here", I thought to myself. I managed to pass out in my street clothes.
"Colly!" I could hear Phoebe screaming from the shower . She was the only person to ever call me Colly, it was kind of endearing. She entered the room, her blonde hair slicked back and skin glowing from those fancy skincare products she insisted on sneaking through customs. Why didn't I think of that? "Im telling you, there's a pub in the basement. We don't even have to leave the hotel! We're going tonight'". She said, lowering herself to me leaning over the bed. As I prepared for my shower, I could hear my phone ringing. Usually I would have ignored it but the possibility of it being mum made me race to my bed "Hello?".."Miss me yet?.." A stranger replied.."Who is this? Why are you calling me?". I should have hung up, but I didn't like the halfwit I am. "Oh, you forgot me already? Do you forget everyone you fuck?". Fucking Bozidar, the creepy bastard. "Listen to me, piss off. Never ring this number again!" I screamed loudly enough for the entire floor, before hanging up and blocking his number. In a hot pink mini dress, full face of makeup and black platforms I probably looked like a discount Kylie Jenner. But Phoebe said I looked good, so that's all that matters, right? Dressed similarly in a red mini dress and pumps, we made our way to the pub. This would be our first stop before hitting the town, it was mid sized and decorated like a Irish pub from the 70s. With a hand full of girls, and at least 40 men. It wasn't long before we were taking down shot after shot and any drink that was offered to us. Much to my own dismay I couldn't count one man worth my time but by the end of the night, I was completely pissed. Barely lucid, I felt a familiar touch on my shoulder . ,I turned around to see Bozidar and two strange men smiling at me. Everything went pitch black.
It was humid as hell, I could feel the sweat beads building up on my forehead. My dress was soaked and had a bit of tar on it. Even in strange surroundings I couldn't help but think to my own vanity, I struggled to adjust my eyes, I tried to balance myself, I couldn't despite my best efforts. After a few seconds it finally registered to me, I was chained to a wall inside of someone's make shift dungeon. After looking to my right, I saw Phoebe had suffered the same fate. She was chained, but her shoe was missing, her dress was above her waist and her panties were torn. "Phoebe!" I tried to say in a high raised whisper. I repeated myself 6 more times before she slowly opened her eyes.." Who is that?" She had a few more drinks than I could handle clearly. "Its me, you dense cunt, we need to get out of here". I saw a single tear run down her cheek, I had no idea how to escape or protect her. I was responsible for her, if anything were to happen to her I'd never forgive myself. She nodded in and out of conciousness, this gave me time to devise a plan. Without a clear path of escape, I decided to start screaming, I mean it usually worked for girls in movies. I saw a bright light at the top of the stairs, someone was coming down. Three men made their way down, at the end of the line was Bozidar. The first man pounced on me, pulling out a knife. "Not another sound. Not another word." He was a bit chubby, even taller than Bozidar and had a scar under his right eye. He pulled back my hair and whispered into my ear. I thought about spitting in his face , but quickly decided against it. Bozidar approached me, dressed in all black with fucking Gucci slip ons. What criminal wears slip ons? "I'd like to introduce you to my cousins. I'll leave you here to play with them. Behave, you'll get water, perhaps some food and a toilet." He said. I nodded my head in agreement. He slowly exited the room while his other cousin pulled out a key, he had black hair and green eyes. "I'm not freeing you, but your arms must be free." He said before unlocking my chains. I actually envied Phoebe, she was blacked out meaning they had little to no interest in her. The one who threatened me quickly grabbed my ankles, spreading them. I could see where this was going, but I had no strength left in me to object to it. My black thong was soon tossed to the other side of the floor. He raised his knife to the slit of my dress and cut the fabric from my body. The kinder one kneeled down beside me, squeezing my breasts being sure to fill both hands. While the other caressed my legs, this had to be the gentlest rape to ever take place. The mean one backed away while the other one propped himself up between my legs. He reached his hand further up, rubbing my pussy. Going over the folds, he slid one finger in. To my absolute shock and horror, I was wet. "You like it, don't you?" He smiled at me. I closed my eyes, trying to pretend I was somewhere else, maybe cuddling a kitten. Suddenly I felt a sting to the side of my face, forcing me to open my eyes. "He speaks, you answer!". The mean one slapped me. "Yes I love it.."I answered, fearing further punishment. He fingered me for close to 5 minutes, before massaging my clit with his tongue. No guy had ever put his mouth on my pussy before my legs jolte I had to resist the urge to wrap them around his head. Though the thought of choking him to death with my thighs seemed extremely favorable. I let out a soft moan, running my fingers through his hair. He took this encouragement well, as he started fingering me at such a speed that I felt my breasts shake whilst sucking my clit. My body betrayed me once more as I felt waves shoot through my body, climaxing on his tongue, I was sure my thighs would crack open his skull. He rose up, my juices on his face looking quite proud of himself. He unbuttoned his jeans, and freed his cock, it immediately sprung out ready for action . It was average in length, but very thick and pinkish in color. He rubbed the tip against my slit, teasing me and lubricating himself. Just as I thought I couldn't take anymore, he finally plunged inside. He took no time building up a rhythm, pounding me as hard as he could. His balls smacked against my inner thighs as he wrapped his hand around my throat choking me hard enough to constrict my air flow. I could feel he was close to cumming, he sprayed the inside of my walls before collapsing on top of me and kissing my neck. What a fucking pig. Lifting himself up finally freeing me from his body weight and adjusted his clothes. Some holiday this was turning out to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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