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  Frisk flinched slightly, even through her half-closed eyes, the rising sun was much brighter after she had spent so long in the Underground. She stood at the edge of the cliff in front of the entrance to the Underground with Toriel and everyone else to her right. Before them was a grand view of a sprawling forest at the base of Mount Ebott. Further out in the distance, they could see an enormous city to the right, to the far left a second mountain twice the size of Mt. Ebott, and in between them both was the rising sun signifying not just the new day, but the start of a new future for monsters and humans alike.

  After taking it all in Toriel was the first to say something. "Oh my..." she said softly.

  "Isn't it beautiful, everyone?" Asgore said.

  "Wow... it's e-even better than on TV." Alphys said excitedly. "WAY better! Better than I ever imagined!"

  "Frisk, you LIVE with this!?" Undyne said, looking over at her. Frisk nodded with a small smile on her face.

  Undyne smiled back and said, "The sunlight is so nice... and the air is so fresh! I really feel alive!"

  "HEY SANS... WHAT'S THAT GIANT BALL?" Papyrus asked his shorter yet older brother.

  "we call that "the sun," my friend." Sans replied.


  "I could stand here and watch this for hours..." Asgore said.

  "Yes, it is beautiful, is it not?" Toriel said with a smile. "But we should really think about what comes next."

  "Oh, right." said Asgore. "Everyone... this is the beginning of a bright new future. An era of peace between humans and monsters."

  He looked toward Frisk and said, "Frisk... I have something to ask of you. Will you act as our ambassador to the humans?"

  Frisk thought about it for a few moments but knew that either way it wouldn't matter. She nodded her head yes, with a slight smile to make it more genuine.


  Before anyone could stop him, Papyrus ran off down the slope to eagerly meet the first humans he came across.

  "welp." sighed Sans. "someone's got to keep him out of trouble. see you guys." And with a wink he walked back into the Underground.

  "Man, do I have to do EVERYTHING?" Undyne groaned. "Papyrus, wait!!!" She then took off after Papyrus in the hopes of catching him before he unintentionally frightened someone.

  "Hey, Undyne!! Wait up!!" said Alphys as she too ran down the slope after Undyne and Papyrus, leaving just Asgore, Toriel, and Frisk at the top of the cliff.

  "Whoops." Asgore said after a brief pause. After a few more moments he turned to Toriel and asked her, "Uh, should I do something?"

  Toriel said nothing but gave him a "what do you think" look.

 "Well, gotta go!" Asgore said quickly before hurrying after the others.

  "It seems that everyone is quite eager to set off." Toriel remarked. She turned to Frisk and said, "Frisk... You came from this world, right...? So you must have a place to return to, do you not? What will you do now?"

  Frisk looked up at Toriel. She had lost count of how many times she had answered that question. Yet even now, she didn't have the heart to say anything different.

  "I want to stay with you."  Frisk said with a wide grin.

  "What ?" Toriel said, her eyes going wide. "Frisk... You really are a funny child. If you had said that earlier, none of this would have happened." She smiled, "It is a good thing you took so long to change your mind." She giggled, "Well, I suppose. If you really do not have any other place to go... I will do my best to take care of you, for as long as you need. All right?"

  "Ok, but there's one last thing I need to do." said Frisk. "You can go ahead without me, I won't take long."

  "Very well, my child. Take as much time as you need." After giving a warm hug to Frisk, Toriel set off down the slope after everyone else.

  Frisk was now alone on top of the cliff. A slight breeze ruffled her short brown hair as she looked out over the forest. Sighing, she opened her menu. At the top was her name, to the right of her name was her LV or more accurately her LOVE, which was at 1 where it had always been. Below her name was "Surface-Entrance to the Underground" below which were two buttons. "Continue" on the left and "True Reset" on the right.

  She stared at the menu for a few minutes, but it felt like hours. Finally, with another sigh, she moved her hand over to the Reset button. She hesitated, her hand an inch away from pressing it. Is this it? Will it finally be the answer she had been searching for through all of these resets? She had tried everything else in previous runs. Some things she tried weren't pleasant, but nothing compared to what she was about to do. She knew that once she started, she would not be able to stop or falter. She would have to see it through to the end.

  "Human." said an ice cold voice right behind her. A chill went down her spine as if she had just stepped back into Snowdin. She knew exactly who's voice it belonged to. She closed the menu and turned around slowly. Before her was Sans the skeleton, and though he was smiling as always, his eye sockets were two pits of eternal darkness, holding none of the love for puns and pranks that were there a few minutes ago.

  "so, we get our happy ending once again. but before we even have a chance to settle in and start to enjoy it, you already want to throw it all away."

  "Sans I..."

  "no!" Sans interrupted making Frisk flinch. "you can't keep doing this. i know you want to save everyone, but once someone's gone, there's nothing you can do." He closed his eyes, sighed and when he opened them again the small white pupils were back. "look kid, i know what it's like to want to bring someone back after something unfortunate happens. but once they're gone, that's it. there's nothing we can do. it sucks, and it doesn't seem fair, but that's just how life is."

  "Sans, you know I can't just give up. But even you have to admit that she deserved better for what she did, for what she sacrificed to try and save everyone." Frisk replied.

  "(sigh) well, sounds like you're "determined" to do this no matter what i say." Sans said as he looked up at the clear blue sky.

  Frisk looked at the ground as she said, "I'm sorry, I have to do this." But when she looked back up Sans had disappeared.

  She opened her menu once again, and moved her hand over to the reset button.

  She heard Toriel call from the bottom of the slope, "Frisk my child! Are you almost ready?"

  "I'm on my way down now." she called back. "I'm sorry Mom." she whispered before pushing the button.

  The button began glowing a bright white light, growing brighter and brighter until she had to shut her eyes tightly. Frisk began to feel herself falling, the wind rushing through her hair, until after several seconds...


  She finally landed softly onto that familiar patch, a sweet fragrance tickling her nose. As she opened her eyes, her vision was filled with dozens of bright yellow buttercups.

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