2seok (Angst/ with happy ending) Part 1

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I walked into my room, too tired to care. After laying face first onto my bed I sighed. Today I saw my crush, Seokjin, with another girl. Great. I know he is straight, but I can't help it. And he is a playboy as well. I mean almost. He seems too kind for this type of thing but the amount of girls he slept with is more than I can count. Ughhhhh Fuck, My, LIFE!

"Why are you swearing?" I jumped at the voice and immediately turn around to see Seokjin staring at me...



"Wha-? Why are you here?! How did you get in here?!" I exclaimed. He snorted and sat at my small couch. He looked around my room with an amused smile while answering.

"Well, your mom was kind enough to open the door for me. So..." I rubbed my temples. Of course mom would open the door for him. She always wants me to talk with people, have friends.

"You have a nice room, and a comfortable couch. Oh you have a Xbox as well?! What a room. I might come here more often." I sat up as fast as possible.

"You can't-" He cut me off.

"I can." I groaned. Me and him were friends before university. After that we kinda separated. It's not like I wanted to separate, he grew farther away from me. He was always pretty but then he became handsome and got popular. Afterwards we didn't talk anymore.

"What do you want anyways?" I asked. He smiled at me.

"Can't I visit an old friend? We rarely talk anymore." I frowned and huffed.

"Well I wonder why?" I murmured. He's smile faded. He looked confused.

"What? I couldn't hear you." I sighed.

"Nothing." He got up moved
closer to me and sat down on my bed, next to me.

"You looked so sad today. Is there something wrong?" I rolled my eyes.

"Is that why you came here? Because you pitied me?" I asked. He pouted.

"Of course not! I'm your friend. It is normal for me to worry about you!"

"Were." I corrected him. He's face froze.

"What?" He asked. I shook my head & got up.

"You were my friend." He got up so quickly and walked towards me. He held my shoulders and turned me towards him.

"What do you mean 'you were'!?" He asked a little irritated, no really irritated.

"I mean we are no longer friends." His grip got stronger and he knit his brows more.

"And why is that?" I got more angry. Why? Why!? Are you fucking kidding me?!

"Why the fuck do you think!? Maybe it's because it has been 2 years since we last talked? Or maybe it's because you never even called or texted me to see if I was okay?!" I yelled at his face. I threw his hands away from me.


"Leave." He stopped moving towards me.


"I said LEAVE!" I pushed him out of my room and locked my room's door. I was breathing fast and my heart was beating so quickly. I slowly walked to my bed and sat on it, thinking about what just happened. I rested my face in my hands as I started to feel a sting in my heart.

"God damn it..." I muttered tiredly. I laid  down and closed my eyes. I could feel myself drifting to sleep but my brain wasn't blank. I sighed for the millionth time and decided to just rest.

After that day things seem to change a lot. I realized few things. Firstly, Jin seems to pay more attention to me. Every time we are in the same place he keeps staring at me, and it's not like he is trying to hide it. He dead on stares at my face, my eyes. I don't look at him though. I just act like he doesn't exist.

Second thing I have realized is that not only his friends but everyone else seems to notice the behavior of Jin so there is times where his friends or some curious students come to me and ask me about it. But I don't respond, I don't need to. I just smile at them and act like I didn't even notice it.

And the last thing I realized is that Jin seems way to cold towards his friends. He no longer seems interested in them and always walks away from them. Which I don't care about since it's not my business.

I walked into the P.E room. Everyone was here except the teacher. I looked around and saw Jin was sitting with his friends but it seemed more like they were trying to get his attention and he just wanted them to leave. When he saw me he started to watch me. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the benches around the basketball field. Then I saw a girl who was walking towards me. She sat down next to me. She didn't say anything, just sat there and looked in front of her.

"Hello!" I tried to greet her happily with a smile. She turned to me and smiled as well.

"Well hello." She said more calmer than me. I turned towards her a little.

"I never saw you in our class before, are you new?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, I just transferred here. My old school was closed."


"Mainly because it had a high risk of collapsing. So I came here." She answered.

"Ah, okay. So what's your name?" I asked, it seemd like she was a pretty chill person.

"My names Seoyung. Nice to meet you." She said.

(A/N: I made the name up.)

"Well my name is Hoseok nice to meet you too!" As I said that our P.E teacher walked in.

"Well kids, today I have some plans for us. Firstly we need some teams." He grabbed the class list and started to match people. Sadly Seoyung was teamed with someone else.

"Well who's left?" I raised my hand and saw from the corner of my eye Jin raising his hand too.

"I guess you two can be a team." I wanted to protest but before I could do anything he put us into the position.

"So today, class, we'll play basketball. But firstly last train how to pass the ball to each other." We all grabbed the basketballs and started to pass it to one another. Even though we were facing each other I was focused on the ball instead of his face.

"Who was she?" He asked in the middle of the game. I looked at him.

"What?" He huffed.

"The girl you were talking to, who was she?" He repeated himself. I just glared at him and rolled my eyes.

"It is none of your concern." I said. He looked at me with a stern look on his face.

"I think it is my concern. I should know who my friend is talking to." I scoffed.

"We are not friends. And I thought I made it clear that day." I said with an annoyed face. He grabbed the ball tightly.

"Hoseok stop acting like this." He said in a threatening voice but I knew he can't do anything to me, he never could. I just looked away.

"I'll act like however the hell I want." I said. He took a step closer to me.

"Hoseok. Li-" The coach cut us of.

"Jin you're too close move away a little. You might hurt him if you throw the ball that close." Jin seemed like he didn't want to, but listened anyway.

"We'll talk later. You can't just ignore me forever."

"Believe me Jin, I can. Because I learned from the best." I said glaring at him.

(A/N: School sucks but oh well.)

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