2Seok (Angst / with happy ending) Part 2.

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It has been two weeks since we've talked in the P.E class. I have been keeping my promise to myself, which was avoiding him with all my being. I walked out when he came in, I turned away and acted like he wasn't here when he tried to talk to me, I didn't listen to anyone when they were talking to me about him.
But it seems that he is persistent as well. He always came to where I was, always followed me, continued to talk to me even though I wasn't listening. The worst part was he kept putting apology letters inside my locker with smile chocolates. I almost felt bad for him but I'm not giving up this quickly.

"Mr. Jung, are you paying attention?" Mrs. Penny asked. I lifted my head to lock my eyes on her frame.

"Yes ma'am." I answered. She scrunched her nose.

"Really? Then that means you can tell me the answer for the question I asked," she said while fixing her glasses.

I looked around to find any type of hint. When my eyes landed on Jin he quickly held up his hand that had a number written on it.

"Uh... the answer is... 22?" I said in a questioning tone. I don't know why I even trust him but I'll do anything to saw myself from Mrs. Penny's wrath.

"N- wait. You actually are correct? Well, I guess well done Mr. Jung you may sit down." I immediately sat down. I could already feel his eyes on me. I frowned and huffed as I looked to my left.

After the class ended I grabbed my bookes and walked to my locker. While I was walking down the hallway I heard Jin call for me. I didn't stop or slow down I just continued walking.

"Hoseok! Wait. God you move too fast." He ran after me, and when he caught up he started to pant.

"My God do you like run everywhere you go? Where does this energy comes from!?" He complained as he rested his hands on his knees and continued breathing deeply. The corners of my mouth twitched upwards as I couldn't help but smile a little at his small rant. He was never really the person to like sports especially running. When we were kids he would always pout at me for walking, or in his words running too 'fast'.

"It's not my fault you are as fast as a sloth." I muttered quietly as I grabbed my things and started to walk to my class.

"Oh, my, GOD!" He cried as he stopped in front of me. I looked at him confused and annoyed.

"What?" I asked. He started to jump up and down.

"I did it! You are finally talking to me again!!" He started to do a small happy dance, I just rolled my eyes and walked into my class. I put my stuff on my desk as I sat down. When I turned to my right I saw him sitting next to me. I got up with my stuff again. He grabbed my elbow.

"Hey, where are you going?" He asked. I just moved my elbow out of his grip then replied.

"I don't like sitting next to garbage, since it is full of shit." I said as I sat to another desk. He just got up and sat next to me.

"Maybe the garbage needs someone who is willing to clean him up so he can be liked by the person who is cleaning him." I almost got up again but the teacher came. I had to sit next to him now. Great.

"I don't care about you or your shit. You should've cleaned yourself before coming to talk to me again." I said as I opened my notebook.

"Hoseok. Please... I really do miss you. Can't you just give me a chance?" He begged. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes and saw his devastated face. I felt really sad but I couldn't let him. I can't feel hurt because of him again.

"I don't think we can be friends again Jin." I said in a sad voice. Damn me and my love for him. Why do I still feel sad?

"Then let me be your lover." I snapped my head towards him. He grabbed me hands.

"I will do anything to talk to you again please just... if you don't want me to be your friend then I'll be your lover." He said with determined eyes. My heart started to beat a million times faster as I started to blush like a mad man.

"W- w- what!?"

"Shhhh!" Our teacher shushed me and I got more embarrassed. I whisper yelled at him.

"Jin are you crazy?! You are saying you want to date me!" He just grabbed my hands tighter as I tried to get out off his grip.

"I'll become anything you want. Just don't make me your enemy I'm sick of seeing you look at me like I'm everything you hate." He said as he clinged to my fingers like his life depended on it. I didn't know what to say. I don't hate him I just am really disappointed at him. And now he comes and says this, like what am I suppose to do? I still love him I just can't trust him with my feelings.

"I don't hate you Jin it's just... I can't just leave all my feelings to you and wait for you to break them again. I was really disappointed when you asked me why we weren't friends anymore, like you didn't even realize my absence. I felt like all of our childhood friendship meant nothing to you. I can't easily trust you again." I said pouring my heart out. He looked like he felt so guilty which hurt me a little. I cursed to myself for feeling sad for him. He should feel guilty. He deserves it.

"Let me prove myself to you. Just give me a chance to take you out on a dinner then I will prove to you that I'll do anything for you." I hesitated, I really was unsure.

"Why do you even want to do this?" I asked feeling really curious. He sighed and smiled a little bit.

"'Cause I missed my little friend whom I had a crush on for years. I missed his smile, I missed his touch, I missed his personality. I just miss him so much. Now that my mom is no longer here to stop me I can be with him again." He explained. I was stunned. He HAS a CRUSH on ME!? Omg omg omg omg omg om-

Wait Hoseok calm down you aren't a teenager anymore you are and adult. But mY GOD HE HAS A CRUSH ON ME?!?!

"You l- like me?" I fucking hate this fucking stuttering I swear to fucking-

"Yes I like you." Oh my god I think I'm going to faint. He grabbed my cheek.

"Hoseok are you okay? You look too shocked. You are freaking me out." He said. I just nodded.

"So are you not going to ask about my mom?" He asked. I looked at him.


"I thought you would ask about my mom after I told you she stopped me from loving you." He said.

"I wasn't really paying attention to that part. I was more focused on the crush thing." I said shyly. He laughed a bit.

"Yeah I could tell. So do you want to go on a date with me?" He asked. I nodded frantically then coughed.

"I mean yeah sure sounds fun." I tired to play it cool but failed miserably.

"Oh thank Jesus I thought you were going to say no." He said but the bell rang.

"Well I guess I'll see you after school." He said as I nodded. He got up and smiled at me then left. I just stood there frozen. Then I realized something.

What did his mom do?

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