"I guess" Igrid breathed out as she turned her gaze to the road below,
Lifting up her head and looking at Sudryl
In front,
"I apologize elf. But if you ever so decide to draw your blade to us will rip off your beloved penis and shove it far down your jugular till you swallow your own semen"
She threatened coldly
Which caused Sudryl to roll his eyes.
"What is it with you and genitalia?"
I asked with a groan and looked at Igrid- who shrugged.
"I believe we should become aware of your plan" I sighed and held on to the reigns of
My horse who obeyed my every desire,
A noble and strong steed whom I bonded with instantly,
"A while back I was a member of the Thalmor embassy""Was?"
Igrid asked"Yes, they plot to rid the empire and take over with their governmental aptitude- yet I saw only failure of their plans and went against them, Elenwen- the Head of the embassy- found it cowardly and eradicated my title of second in command and had me banished.
The blasted woman took my family's title and will and sold It to a society of merchants for
Partnership" I could almost hear the anger seethe from his voice as he explained his position and the item he was searching for.
A will.
"this will- why sell it if it's a mere will?" Igrid asked,
Seemingly understanding."I come from the riches of a high powered family to whom hold status above the Jarl. My fortune and name are worth millions and I will take a blade to my chest before I ever let those filthy scum take it away."
He gritted his teeth In anger, his hate emanated off his body causing silence between Igrid and I.
"I see then. We will Take back what is yours"
I nodded once and placed a hand upon the blade at my side to make Sure it was in its place,
It was.
"Markarth is a secured city. Once we're in we have to remain low to avoid running into any haste that could give away our intentions.
Stick by my side and as I said- allow
Me to do The talking" he instructed and it surprised me to see Igrid nod,
It brought calming intentions to my chest.Finally they were in understanding of each other.
We traveled for days on end,
A majority of four.
Stopping at an Inn just hours from Markarth to rest in. The Time being of late Thursdas 10:22 PM, The three of us resided in our separate rented rooms- Igrid was attempting to become more familiar with how to swing her dagger, and Sudryl Was reading up on his plan to retrieve his family's Will.
I planned no excitement, sitting in my secluded inn room beneath my green cloth blanket provided and my head resting on the feathered pillow, my dress was once more apart from my body- folded neatly next to my bed besides half empty bottles of mead and wine and cheese given to each room (though I'm sure it was all expired).
The sword I was given was placed right on top of my dress close to me For safe keeping, I was bare naked after all and depicting from our last experience at an Inn- I don't want any unwanted visitors to have access to my body, speaking of which the Inn itself was fairly cleaner than the one prior. No scent of sex or any unknown substances in the sheets so I felt clean And at ease.
"Faust?" Igrid knocked at my door and opened it before I could even say no,
I groaned and raised my arm over my eyes to shield my view of her- my body was luckily under the blankets to merely keep
Everything from my shoulders up exposed and nothing more"Yes?" I groaned,
Igrid made her way to my bed and sat besides me disregarding my unwanting Aura of being bothered.
"About what you did, back in Whiterun. I appreciate it a lot,""What did I do?"
"You helped convince my mother to allow
Me to venture. Had it not been for that I would still be washing clothes or something"
Igrid looked down at me and I met her gaze,
"Thank you""You're welcome, I suppose. But now it's not my journey, it's Sudryl's.
So let's be kind for once, yes?" I groaned and placed my arm
Back over my eyes"Well I can't promise that"
Igrid shrugged and slid off the bed and left my room- shutting the door behind herSheesh.
The day ended and I woke up feeling rested, I rose from my bed and tied my bra upon my breast and pulled my panties up and gave a sigh of exhaustion.
My dress followed onto my body and I made sure to tie it at the seems to keep it from slipping down to my ankles,
I grabbed my sword and kept it around my waist while then swallowing down a few Juniper berries.
Soon I left my room and trailed down to the one on my right and knocked- considering Igrid barged in on me, I would do the same.I opened the door right before I could get an answer, "time to wake up, we-"
I ceased my talking the moment I realized the room I had barged into was not Igrid's,
But belonged to a couple to whom were enjoying their morning together with a fucking session- bare naked,
The male lover on top and ponding his woman hard into the bed and dominating her body with his own.
I didn't bother to watch any more than I had and just closed the door with a blank expression. Still hearing the woman's moans and cries for her lover to fuck her harder, and thanking Talos for not letting me see more of their bare bodies.
Staring at the floor, it seemed they didn't notice either but.
I had.
I forgot Igrid's door was to the left of mine- not the right.
Igrid woke up a bit before me as well as Sudryl and had been eating in the morning and apparently watched the whole thing because I heard both of them start laughing,I just took a deep inhale and turned to face them and walked over, sitting down in the chair between them.
"So?~ you enjoy the show?" Igrid hummed with a sly teasing smile and a stifled laugh"We should get going" I murmured and evaded her teasing.
"Oh yes right after we talk About what just happened"
Sudryl sipped at his glass of mead and eyed me-
Perhaps even smirking behind his glass.
"You're both children"
I groaned and felt my cheeks heat up.
The morning was filled with endless teases of what occurred and eventually a conversation of how both Igrid and Sudryl were not virgins, that lasted fifteen minutes after we hit the road.
I just groaned the whole time."Enough of sex if you may, we should discuss the plan over again since we'll
Be there in a few hours" I spoke over their chatter-
At least they were conversing.
"Right, both of you will allow me to speak first. We get in and lie low till we locate any position those merchants are at. Once we do, the two of you will avoid combat since to my knowledge- neither of you know how to hold a weapon"
He explained thoroughly"I practiced-" Igrid mentioned
"That's not enough"
Sudryl corrected,
"Faust has a half snapped sword and you a dagger, against a society of well armed men and women who've fought in blood"
He had a point,
I thought hard over his plan and understood a vast majority.We reached Markarth several hours later.
. I
ActionUpon my blade lies blood of opposers who raise their heads under Sovnegarde's gaze to Strike upon their land, feeding at the bane of Kings who lives to demolish all peace. The ones who can end the dawn of time is Bestowed upon us chosen, But the one...