8. Agitation, Unrest, & A Bit of Singing

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Chapter Eight: Agitation, Unrest, & A Bit of Singing

Ary wasn't sure what time she had woken up on that frosty, late-winter morning, but she knew from the excessive amount of light streaming through her window that she was late. Her eyes flew open out of their sleepy, drooping state and she flung herself to her feet, cursing the whole way to the bathroom in multiple languages. If there was one thing to be said about the Germanottas, it was that they were a fabulously cultured family and growing up in it had its perks.

Ary wasted no time in stumbling as quickly as she could to the shower and turning the heat of the water on full blast. She absolutely adored hot things, and showers were no exclusion. As she striped her clothes, she thought about how the only thing she could really enjoyed being cold was Aspen's hands. Her blond haired love's hands were always cool to the touch, and she was pretty sure that she liked the temperature of his skin so much because her hands were unusually warm, so the contrast was extremely nice.

Ary stepped into the blazing hot water and sighed, only letting herself just stand under the water for a few seconds before she flung herself into full gear. She multi-tasked to the max, washing her hair with one hand and brushing her teeth with the other. She conditioned her hair and let it sit for a moment while she washed her body and face, until she rinsed out her hair for the last time and flipped the water off.

Ary stepped from the shower and took a look at her phone. It was only seven thirty and she had two text messages. She sighed in half relief and half discontent as she realized that she would have enough time to get dressed, but she wouldn't have any time to do her hair or makeup. She wrapped herself in a towel as she muttered all the way to her bedroom. Ary checked her phone to read her texts, and they made her smile.

Hello, my love, it's me: the greatest person in the entire world. Jkjk, that's you, but I'm a close second. Good morning, and I hope your day is fantastic, because you deserve to smile bunches today.

Ary grinned from ear to ear as she dropped her towel and flashed over to her closet, ripping a sweatshirt and jeans from their own resting places. She made her way over to her dresser for her bra and panties as she checked the second message. Again it was from Aspen.

Oh, by the way, I love you. :)

Ary smiled like an idiot while shooting a quick text back to Aspen telling her love good morning. Ary slipped her clothes on before quickly brushing out her hair and braiding it with nimble fingers. She sat down at her vanity mirror and gently applied a light layer of makeup on her face, accenting her lips and cheeks with a rosey pink.

Ary took a nice glance at her reflection and nodded happily. It was a very natural look but it looked nice. Plus, it was so quick that she was no longer running late and she was ready to go, so she pushed herself away from her mirror and began to gather all her things. It didn't take long and she was out the door in no time, the blonde calling a goodbye over her shoulder to Stef's dog Asia.

Ary shook her head at herself for treating the dog like a human, but what else was Ary to do when Stef literally seemed to think Asia came from her birthing canal? There was no telling Stef that Asia was just a dog and should be treated as so unless you wanted a roundhouse kick to your face with her six inch heels.

Ary shivered lightly as a gust of cold wind broke her from imagining Stef kicking someone in the mouth. The blonde realized, with a smile, that it had started to snow gently, small flurries floating and dancing through the air. She loved the snow; there was just something so romantic about the way the snow would stick to the eyelashes and fringe of a lover, lighting their eyes with the pure hue of the flake. She had always especially loved to see Aspen in the snow.

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