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Chapter 131

TL: Sarah

After the guard informed them, Yonis marched straight into the prime minister’s office.

“Prime Minister, could you please explain?” Yonis began bluntly, “What do you mean ‘national property’? What do you mean ‘not rule out the possibility of being assigned to two or more Dark Sentinels’?”

Prime Minister Nepal was sitting at his desk, his face indifferent and seeming to have expected Yonis’ arrival, “The bill was just made today and haven’t reached a final conclusion yet.”

“How do you plan to conclude then?” There was a dangerous light in Yonis’ eyes. “Take Shang Ke as the common property of all Dark Sentinels and force distribution?”

“Yonis, please don’t place your misconceptions onto us.” Nepal said seriously, “Compulsory distribution has always been the privilege of you, high-ranking sentinels, but in the end, it is our Guide Association that will bear the burden.”

Before Nepal was elected as Prime Minister, he was the president of the Guide Association  and was also a Rank A Guide. Generally speaking, the public didn’t think too highly of the Guide Association because they restricted too many rights and freedoms for guides. But in fact, most guides were willing to choose sentinels as their spouses. The higher the degree of compatibility between the two, the easier it was to resonate spiritually, thus generating real emotions. More than 87% of sentinels and guides were freely paired and bonded, and the Association only provided necessary detection and protection. The Association would only intervene if a guide was forced to bind by a high-ranking sentinel.

However, if a guide firmly disagrees to bond with sentinels, they were not completely helpless. They just had to return the housing allocated by the government, give up all kinds of preferential treatment, delete all their files in the Association, and become a wild guide. There was no free lunch in this world.

However, the public only saw the misfortune of guides who were forced to bond but not the bleak end of several wild guides who gave up everything for love. Feelings between two people were easy to break, but the spiritual bond of sentinels and guides was a symbiotic contract in which benefits were shared equally and never betrayed.

The ordinary people in Biyashi were the majority and they also hoped to have a guide as their spouse. However, due to considerations of physiological fit and offspring genes, they had little competitiveness. So, they strongly attacked the Guide Association, trying to win equal distribution rights with sentinels.

“In that case, as a Rank A Dark Sentinel, I should have the right to be Shang Ke’s ‘only’ spouse.”  Yonis emphasized the word only.

“Yonis, I think you may have misunderstood.” Under his pressure, the Prime Minister sat up a little straighter and said, “Our bill doesn’t force Shang Ke but the Dark Sentinels.”

“What do you mean?”

Nepal threw a document to him, “See for yourself.”

Yonis opened the document which was a draft plan on Shang Ke’s position. The first sentence was: “Shang Ke, as the only known S-level Dark Guide in the country, is under the jurisdiction of the country as a valuable property and will be given maximum protection, privaleages.”

—The Guide Shang Ke is a national property and no individual is allowed to possess him.

—The Guide Shang Ke is not allowed to leave the country at will;

—When necessary, the Guide Shang Ke should obey government plans, and assist and treat Dark Sentinels with spiritual disorder. 

—The Guide Shang Ke can dissolve the existing temporary spouse relationships at any time, and choose a new Dark Sentinel for himself. There is no limit…

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