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Chapter 153

TL: Resonance

Wen Jingrong has recently developed a habit of his pen not leaving his hand. He played with his pen while he was working, drinking coffee or reading the newspaper. He also discusses current affairs with his pen. When he was eating, he would place the pen beside his bowl. When he goes to the toilet, he would bring his pen along to play sudoku.

The secretary feels that his boss has a severe love illness for pens. Everytime he accidentally sees Wen Jingrong chatting about life with his pen, he always feels that his three views are getting destroyed. Didn’t president Wen have an extremely beautiful boyfriend? Quickly come and save him!

“President Wen, the arrangement at the new factory has been made. They can take in 200 people for training each time.” The secretary reported in a systematic manner, but his line of sight landed on the pen in Wen Jingrong’s hand unconsciously.

Wen Jingrong nodded his head and signed on the lower end of the document. Then, he commanded, “This is the name list. Send someone to inform them. We will accept all of the people who wish to participate in the training unconditionally.”

“Okay.” The secretary left the office after receiving the name list.

“What do you think?” Wen Jingrong looked towards the thumb-sized Shang Ke who was swimming in his cup.

“Very good.” Shang Ke swam backstroke comfortably while giving his man a thumbs up.

We Jingrong looked at his own cup. It didn’t have much space left after having Shang Ke in it. Shang Ke had no space to swim at all. Hence, he bought a fish tank the next day and placed it on his table.

Shang Ke crouched next to the fish tank and looked at the goldfish swimming inside. He said to the man behind him, “Wen Jingrong, can we discuss something?”

“What?” Wen Jingrong’s gaze wandered between the fish tank and Shang Ke without a trace and thought: Is he not swimming today? The “pool” has already been expanded many times bigger and is also transparent…

“Let’s not raise goldfish but turtle instead. Turtles are easy to raise.” I can even ride on it.

“Okay.” Wen Jingrong replied dotingly.

Just when they were happily enjoying their own unordinary lives, they received bad news.

The police found three arsonists. To be more exact, they found their bodies. All the clues ended with them.

But they are basically certain now. This incident was definitely not a random act due to someone wanting to have revenge on society. It was clearly targeting Wen Jingrong.

Naturally, Wen Jingrong wouldn’t have thought that this incident was linked with Shang Ke. After all, Shang Ke’s identity was special and didn’t have much association with the world. Wen Jingrong could only find clues starting with himself which was completely in the wrong direction. He also wouldn’t guess that this incident was actually just someone venting his anger.

One month passed by calmly just like this. The negative energy that Shang Ke has accumulated was enough for him to “grow up”, but he didn’t do so immediately. He continued being entangled with Wen Jingrong only in his dream. However, the frequent dreams were making Wen Jingrong feel miserable. His bed sheets were washed one after another, he was running out of place to dry them.

Shang Ke felt distressed for his man. Hence, he didn’t appear in Wen Jingrong dream as frequently as before in case Wen Jingrong died due to excessive sperm loss.

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