Classes.... -_-

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The Legion sat in Professor Port's class as 2 of them were paying attention and the other 2 were straight up falling asleep in class. The 2 paying attention was Joey and (Y/N), said girl was interested in Port's tales of his youth while Joey looked mildly interested.

Frank and Julie were snoozing away in their seats, Julie had her arms crossed and had her head lopsided while Frank had his buried in his arms on the desk.

"Frank. You awake? Fraaaaaaank?" (Y/N) whispered as she poked Frank on his shoulder, but all he did was shift a bit.

"More sleep, less ass....." He murmured so (Y/N) just left him alone to sleep.


When Port's class was over (thank god. Or in this case, Oum) (Y/N) was the first out the door, zooming out of there dragging a still waking up Frank and Julie by their sleeves while Joey calmly walked his way out of class, hands stuffed in his pockets.

3 of the Legion made it first and took their seats, (Y/N) dancing happily in her seat, swinging her legs back and forth as Julie and Frank sat down, a little dazed on her speed on bringing them here.

"Oouh, I think I'm gonna be sick...." Frank groaned.

"Double that...." Julie moaned as she clutched her stomach.

Joey finally made his way in, hands still in his pockets and took his seat next to Julie. "Enjoy the fun?" He snickered as both flipped him off while (Y/N) only nodded eagerly.

"God, let's hope this one isn't annoying like the last...." Frank begged as a man with green sonic like hair, giant (possibly) foggy glasses and wasn't wearing anything professional. Some of his buttons were in the wrong holes, different shoes, black pants and had a coffee mug filled with, well, coffee.

"Greetingsstudents! IamDoctorOobleckandIwillbeyourteacherinhistoryclass!"

(Translation: Greetings, students. I am Doctor Oobleck and I will be your teacher in history class)

Julie's eyebrow raised at his fast speech. What the hell was in that coffee...?

But Frank? Poor Frank... His eyes had terror in them upon seeing and hearing the Sonic the Hedgehog mo-fo and looked like he wanted to scream.

"Franklin?? Franklin??" (Y/N)'s voice got muffled out as all he heard was ringing before he couldn't take it anymore.


(Stay tuned for more chapters)

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