Side Chapter: Going Out

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"(Y/N)! Psst! (Y/N)!" Joey whispered, shaking her by the shoulder, rousing her from her sleep.

"Mmm..... Joey....? Class start...?" (Y/N) drawled, snuggling more into her pillow.

"Wake yo stupid ass UP!" Joey roughly shook her more.

"Fraaaaank....!" (Y/N) whined for Frank.

"Come on, get dressed! We're going out!" Frank dismissed her pleading tone, putting on his usual wear and and mask before picking up (Y/N) and began dressing her up as she was dozing off and putting on her mask.

"Come on, get dressed! We're going out!" Frank dismissed her pleading tone, putting on his usual wear and and mask before picking up (Y/N) and began dressing her up as she was dozing off and putting on her mask

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Placing her on Joey's back and grabbing a back full of something, they began sneaking out of the room.

"Wait.... What about.... yawn Julie...?" (Y/N) asked sleepily, snuggling into Joey's back.

"She ain't coming! This is something we gotta do on our own!" Frank whispered.

"But we're the Legion.... Legion stick..... Together...." (Y/N) trailed off, snoring softly as Joey and Frank took that chance to YEET the fuck outta there.


"(Y/N), it's sweater weather! Oh my god, it's fucking sweater weather out here! Look at dis shit!" Frank complained from the cold air as (Y/N) wobbled on her feet, dozing off.

"My nipples are hard as fuck!"

"Your pecs are pointy too, Frank?" (Y/N) asked.

"That's right you little Gremlin..." Frank scratched her chin.

"Alright! Let's do this." Joey set the bag down and pulled out some spray paint.

"What are we doing Frank??" (Y/N) eyed the cans.

"We're doing some art. Here." Frank took a can "You shake it," he shook it a bit, hearing something clacking inside it. "And than, you spray." He sprayed a bit on the wall before handing it to his precious gremlin.

"So I can make anything??"

"Yep. As long as it looks good." He gave her a thumbs up before going to his part on the wall as (Y/N) looked at the can and back at the wall....


"Alright (Y/N), what did you- HOLY SHIT!" Joey was amazed on (Y/N)'s art spray.


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"(Y/N).... How many cans did you use?" Frank seemed horrified.

"Just a few." (Y/N) smiled.

"How much?"

(Y/N) pointed behind her to a massive heap pile of spray paint cans making both boy's jaws drop.

"Is it cool, Frank?!?" (Y/N) looked at him with a hopeful look.

"Of course he thinks it's cool! Look at that!" Joey interrupted him as he slung an arm around her as they made there way back to Beacon, Frank trailing behind still horrified that (Y/N) went through THAT much cans

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"Of course he thinks it's cool! Look at that!" Joey interrupted him as he slung an arm around her as they made there way back to Beacon, Frank trailing behind still horrified that (Y/N) went through THAT much cans.


Frank used his scroll to beep their way back in their dorm and turned on the light, both him and Joey freezing when they saw a fully awake Julie sitting there.

Even with her mask on, they could sense her look of anger and fury beneath it

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Even with her mask on, they could sense her look of anger and fury beneath it.

"And where were you?" She asked.

"We went spray painting!" (Y/N) smiled, not knowing how much shit she got Frank and Joey into.

"That's greeaaaat! You'll have to show me tomorrow! Now, go take a shower, get all that paint off." Julie smiled at (Y/N).

Nodding head, she skipped to the bathroom and closed it.

"Don't think your getting away." Julie spook, making Joey and Frank freeze up as they tried sneaking out.

Getting up, she walked forward, cracking her knuckles and glaring down at them.

"Maybe this will teach you NOT to take (Y/N) out so late at night~"

(Y/N) hummed in the shower, the loud shower head tuning out the sound of Joey and Frank's screams of pain.

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