Chapter 2

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Taehyung pushed the library door open, he stopped before checking the text again.

Third floor study room 301, don't be late 

Taehyung scoffed at the last part of the text and headed towards the stairs. He could really care less about being late, but since Jungkook was taking his time to tutor him, he quickened his pace up the stairs. He came to the third floor and turned to push into the study room where Jungkook was sat with all his notes spread across the table, his hair falling over his eyes as he was focused on the work in front of him.

Taehyung felt his heart speed up a little faster and quickly slipped into the seat across from him. Jungkook didn't break from his current work while Taehyung pulled out his algebra homework, laying it out to begin working on it.

"soooo, how do you want to do this?" Taehyung asked awkwardly, disturbing the silence.

Jungkook's head flipped up and his eyes lazily met Taehyungs. The bags under his eyes were prominent and his hair fell on top of his forehead. Taehyung gulped, he couldn't tell whether to be intimidated or extremely turned on. Get a hold of yourself Taehyung.

"Start working on it and when you run into a question, let me know."
Taehyung nodded and Jungkook flipped his head back down to his work.

Taehyung flipped his textbook to their first homework problems. Lets see ....

"Nope, I already need your help." Taehyung said looking up at Jungkook expectingly.
He looked back up and gave him an amused smile.

"Here let me come around to you." he said getting up.

"oh no it's o-" but Jungkook had already made his way around the table and settled in the seat next to him.

"let's see .... functions."

Jungkook spent then next 30 minutes carefully explaining the current unit to Taehyung, pushing him to answer his questions. By the end of their session, Taehyung understood and could answer every problem.

"Jesus Christ you're a life savior." Taehyung exclaimed looking at all his finished problems. Jungkook chuckled at him. "Well, it is my job."

Taehyung looked up at him and smiled. Jungkook felt a slight pang in his heart as he watched the overly excited boy. He doesn't talk to a lot of people because of how quiet he is, it was nice to be this close with someone. Plus, he's quite nice to look at.

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