Chapter 5: One More Chance

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Editing at 2AM be like🙃


"You're too late," The words slip past my lips as if I have no control over them.

He says nothing. Slowly, his head lowers and his knees dig into the hard concrete as he kneels in front of me. His hands find their way to mine and rest on my lap as the silence grows - I just watch him, compelled by him. When he finally looks up with those doleful eyes, that trembling top lip and with his hands still tethered to mine, I can't help the fall of the tears I've been holding back. He reaches to wipe them away but jumps when I jerk my head away, refusing his touch. Like a deer in headlights, he stares at me - frozen and shocked.


"Don't," I shake my head, my teeth clenched, nails digging into the palm of my hands in my fists. "Don't do anything, don't say anything. Just go."

"I-I never thought I'd see you again. Please talk to me, kook. What happened to you?"

I scoff, but soon enough, it turns into a bitter laugh, tears rolling down my cheeks at the same time. I must look like a mad man. I lean my elbows on my legs and lean in, locking eyes with his tearful ones: the same eyes I dreamt about regularly, the same eyes I wanted to get lost in one last time before I completely buried the memory of him, forever.

"You don't know what happened?" My tongue rolls against the inside of my cheek as another scoff escapes me."Did you forget? Must've been easy for you."

"Jungkook..." His voice breaks, his hands desperately dancing in the air, wanting to grab onto me, my hands, my face.

"It's okay! I'll remind you," I clutch his wrists in my hands just as he was about to touch my face, exerting all my tension, all my anger onto his wrists. "I was abandoned... again. By the one person that I loved with everything I had," I shake his wrists with every word I say. My nails push into his flesh, scratching the soft skin below but his face is empty of emotions, a stream of tears falling down his cheeks only to be replaced by new ones. "Do you know the feeling?" I whisper between my quiet sobs.

He opens his mouth, the quiver of his lips bringing them to a close before he shakes his head slightly. His wet lashes rest on his cheeks when he looks down, mumbling something my ears can't pick up on. I let his wrists go with a shove, causing him to fall back and scrape his elbow on the coarse concrete. I reach my hand out immediately as he winces, the sight of his peeling skin urging me to tend to him like he always did to me, but my hand clenches into a fist in the air and I sit back, looking away.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry... Please just come home with me and I'll explain everything."

"You can't call it home when I don't have one," I shake my head, my lips pressed into a hard line. "But you can leave me alone. That's something you're good at anyway, so shouldn't be too hard, right?"

"Let me explain! You don't understand how hard it was to survive on my own-"

"I can't understand that?" I look at him in disbelief, my blood searing inside my veins, my knuckles itching to land across his face. "Look at me! You leave me and after all that's happened, you have the nerve to say something like that?"I spit out. His words are almost laughable, and if I wasn't so riled up, I would have probably laughed. "Get outta my sight."

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean it like that. Please just hear me out," He says softly, his hand brushing my arm before I yank it away, glaring down at him.

"I'm not ready for that. Go." I say. He takes another step towards me to try again, about to win me over with his charming words - I'm sure he could. He always did. "I said go!" I shout and he stumbles back, hesitantly turning to walk away. I watch him as he walks away from me, the feeling all too familiar, but at least this time, I'm the one who chose this. At least this time, I had control over it. He turns his head just before crossing the road: his eyebrows are furrowed, the corners of his lips drooping down as he waves a little wave, getting nothing in return before he crosses the road.

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