Chapter 7: Hug Me But Don't Touch Me

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After a damn century and a half, here's chapter 7!

About the name of this chapter... I feel like it sums up Jk's feelings for Jimin perfectly😂


For the first time in years, I'm not woken up by an obnoxious light shining on my face or dozens of people rushing past me. I'm woken by the gentle sun rays peeking through the curtain, the warmth of the bed. It isn't as hard as the concrete I'm used to sleeping on. The mattress is soft and bouncy, yet it's more uncomfortable. My eyes open. I take in my surroundings and everything from yesterday comes rushing back within a second. So it's all real. Jimin, Mi-ran, home. A big part of me hoped that it was all a dream so that I didn't have to face him again. But another part, a bigger part of me feared that it was a dream and that I was still all alone.

I slide off the bed and look through the closet. There are stacks of plain t-shirts and sweatpants on the shelves and a few "Nicer" shirts hanging on the rack. My mind goes back to Jimin - how he must have prepared everything before bringing me here. The shirts are mostly black and white - I guess he remembers my very limited color palette when it comes to clothes. I remember on my 14th birthday, all I asked for was an array of plain white t-shirts and he got me ten of the same shirt. I guess I should be moved that he remembers such small details about me, but weirdly, I'm angrier. If he knows me so well and cares about me, why did he leave me behind?

The time is nearly 9 O'clock when I head downstairs, running a hand through my damp hair. I follow the scent of coffee and step around the corner to see Jimin and Mi-ran sat behind the kitchen counter, play-fighting, poking each other, giggling. Jimin looks happy and unburdened - completely the opposite to the way he is when he looks at me. My throat feels dry and heavy, just as heavy as the air around me. I want to look away or maybe walk right out of  here for some fresh air. But before I can, I hear him call my name.

"Hey, we didn't want to wake you up so early. Come join us for breakfast," he says. I linger between walking to them and walking away for a few seconds before I sigh, dragging my feet to sit opposite them. Mi-ran places a cup beside my plate, pouring me some black coffee. I nod at her. Hopefully, it's close enough to a thank you. She serves me food like I'm her toddler or something - I want to stop and her and tell her I can do it by myself but she just looks so happy doing it. And I can't lie to myself. I'm mad at Jimin, but Mi-ran has shown me nothing but kindness since I got here.

"She makes the best coffee, Jungkook," Jimin says and Mi-ran smiles as she pours him another cup. "Try it, you'll love it."

My eyes linger on him for a few seconds, trailing down to his half-smile before I sip on my cup. The bitterness runs down my throat despite the spoonful of sugar I added.

"Good, isn't it?" Jimin nods, smiling.

"I prefer tea, actually," I say, placing the cup down. He makes an "O" face and nods, glancing sideways at Mi-ran who smiles and pours me a new cup with tea in it. I take the cup from her, this time thanking her and forcing a smile on my lips. It may have looked fake but it's the best I could do, especially since I'm sitting with people I barely know. This is a lot more awkward than I expected. Perhaps I thought despite being on bad terms with Jimin, I'd still feel comfortable around him. But it's not like that at all - it feels like I'm talking to a stranger, yet I know this stranger's antics, his habits that have stayed the same.

"So I was thinking since I have the day off, we should all go out," Mi-ran says, and I snap out of my thoughts, now realizing that I was staring at Jimin. "Maybe a picnic? It's such a nice day."

"Yeah! That'll be fun. What do you think, Kook?" Jimin says and the nickname makes me clench my teeth. It reminds me of memories I want to suppress, of the blind faith I put in Jimin as a lost kid, hopelessly wishing for him to love me. And when I thought he did, I believed it. It reminds me of all of his broken promises and empty words that I just don't believe in anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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