Chapter 5

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The next morning, Kara was surprised when she woke up to find Alex once again waiting in her apartment, this time with a box of crullers.

"Come back for round two?" Kara asked.

"No, I came with a peace offering." Alex said as she held out the box of donuts to her.

"Damn, you know my weakness." Kara grumbled as she took the box from her.

"So, will you let me talk now?" Alex asked.

"Fine, but be quick." Kara said.

"I'm sorry for what happened last night. It was a smart call having Clark come talk to me." Alex said.

"Figured if anyone could get you to understand what I couldn't, it would be him." Kara said.

"And it worked. Look Kara, the reason I didn't want you to become a hero is not because I don't have faith in you. Believe me, no one has more faith in you than me." Alex said.

"Then why are you trying to hold me back?" Kara asked.

"Before you came to live with us, I was the star. And then, I mean, how could I compete with you? With someone who could touch the stars? You know, I was happy when you decided not to use your powers. You know, you feeling like less, somehow made me feel like more. Now the world needs you to fly, Kara." Alex said.

"There's more to it isn't there Alex?" Kara asked.

"Ever since you came to live with us, all mom has told me was to protect you. Keep my little sister safe. You becoming a superhero means that you don't need me anymore and I honestly have no idea what to do with myself if I'm not trying to protect you." Alex said tearfully as Kara smiled as she gently wiped her sister's tears away.

"Alex, I will always need my big sister in my life. Just not as my bodyguard anymore. I can fight the baddest villains in the universe, but it won't mean anything if I don't have my big sister in my corner." Kara said and Alex smiled.

"I know. But it's still hard to let go." Alex said.

"No one's asking you to me go Alex. I'm just asking you to please support my choice now." Kara said and Alex smiled.

"I will, on one condition." Alex said.

"What?" Kara asked.

"You call mom and tell her that I tried to stop you and not to blame me for you deciding to become a hero." Alex said and Kara laughed.

"Deal." Kara said.

"Good. Now, today's your day off right?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, why?" Kara asked.

"Get dressed. I have something I need to show you." Alex said, since Kara was still in her pajamas.

"Give me a few minutes." Kara said as she headed back to her bedroom to get ready.

Kara was confused when Alex drove her to random, condemned building in National City.

"Alex, what is this place?" Kara asked as they got out of the car.

"Just come on." Alex said as she walked inside and Kara was beginning to suspect that this was some kind of DEO base.

"Alex, I know about the DEO. Clark warned me about them." Kara said, since it was true that Clark had told her about the DEO last night.

"And you're not offended I work for them?" Alex asked.

"No, but I am a little pissed at your hypocrisy, especially since it's because of me you have a job there." Kara said and Alex rolled her eyes.

"Agree to disagree on that one. But anyways, this is a decommissioned DEO base." Alex as they walked in the front door to find an elevator.

"So I'm guessing the condemned signs?" Kara asked as Alex opened the elevator.

"Are a cover to keep people away yeah. Now come on." Alex said as she led Kara inside as the elevator went down.

"So, what exactly are we doing here?" Kara asked her.

"Well, I figure if you're gonna be a superhero, you'll need a base to operate out of, since I refuse to let you work as an employee for the DEO." Alex said and Kara smiled at her.

"You really did come around didn't you." Kara said as the elevator opened and she saw the base.

"This place is really dusty." Kara said as Alex hit the lights to reveal a pretty similar set up to the DEO desert facility.

"Well it's been abandoned for 3 years. It used a secondary base to our facility in the desert before we built a more advanced headquarters here in National City. It's got a lab, containment cells, armory, everything you'll need. It might take some time to get it up and running though." Alex said.

"It'll be worth it, especially once I uplink it to the Fortress's database. Thank you so much Alex." Kara said and Alex smiled.

"If you insist on doing this, then I'm going to try my hardest to make sure you don't get yourself killed." Alex said.

"Thanks." Kara said as she looked around her new base.

"How'd you get permission for this?" Kara asked.

"My boss has a soft spot for me. But he did say that you had to come into the DEO's main facility for testing. He wants to make sure he can trust you, since wearing that S, it's like a challenge to every bad guy on the planet. He wants to make sure that you're in full control of your powers." Alex said.

"No problem." Kara said and Alex smiled.

"Well then, let's get this place up and running." Alex said.

"Actually, what is powering this place, since I don't want to risk people discovering it." Kara said, since she was honestly planning on using an omegahedron to power her base regardless, since she knew it would be much stronger and more efficient than any other power source on earth, besides the fortress's fusion furnace.

"Relax, it's generators keep it off the grid." Alex assured her.

"Great, but I can think of a few ways to upgrade." Kara said.

"Well, you can have at it later. Right now, we need to get the main deo facility so Hank can vet you." Alex said.

"Let's go." Kara said, since she intended to let J'onn know that she knew he was not human.

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