Chapter 11

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Warning, this chapter will contain spoilers of Crisis on Infinite Earths. Do not read if you haven't seen it yet.

Kara spent the next few days getting back into the groove of being both Cat's assistant and Supergirl, though honestly, she had to admit that Clark suggestion about starting her own newspaper was getting more and more tempting everyday, since she had the advantage of knowing about some of the biggest conspiracies in the country or even the world, such as Lex's infiltration of the government and Leviathan, but she couldn't do anything to reveal it yet.

Anyways, Kara was doing her daily patrol of National City when her comms went off.

"Alex, what is it?" Kara asked.

"It's Mon-El, I think he's waking up." Alex said.

"I'm on my way." Kara said she flew towards her base.

When she arrived, she found that Mon-El was awake and he was struggling against his restraints.

"What's going on. Where am I?" Mon-El demanded.

"It's okay, just calm down and we'll release you. You're safe now." Kara said, trying to calm him down.

Mon-El's first judgement when he saw her was to ignore her when he noticed the kryptonian glyph on his chest, but then he looked into her eyes and saw nothing but sincerity and worry in them and he began to calm down.

"You swear you won't run off when I release you?" Kara asked and Mon-El nodded as she released him.

"I am sorry about that, but I figured that you'd be panicking a bit when you woke up and I didn't want to risk you running off before I had a chance to explain." Kara said.

"Okay, explain then." Mon-El said.

"My name is Kara Zor-El. I'm from Krypton. And I know who you are. You're Mon-el, prince of Daxam." Kara said.

"You knew that and you still helped me?" Mon-El asked.

"I know your feelings towards Kryptonians, but let's be honest, neither of our people are as great as they once were. I think that we should take this opportunity to bury old grudges." Kara said, trying to get him to understand.

"What do you mean our people aren't as great as they used to be? I know Krypton was destroyed, but what about Daxam?" Mon-El asked and Kara sighed.

"As I'm sure you know, when Krypton blew up, the debris rained down on Daxam." Kara said.

"Yeah, it's why my guard sent me away." Mon-El said.

"Well, one of the shockwaves from Krypton's destruction, it struck Daxam's moons, disrupting their orbit, causing gravity to fluctuate. It's still there, but it was ravaged by solar storms. It's a wasteland now. I'm so sorry." Kara said tearfully as Alex looked away from where she'd been watching, knowing that her sister was probably better prepared to comfort him than she could.

"Is there any chance of other survivors?" Mon-El asked.

"I don't know. I mean it is possible, but even if there are, we have no idea how to find them." Kara said, since honestly, while she didn't mind Mon-El finding his father again, she loathed his mother with all her being and would prefer that she not be reacquainted with her.

"Is there any way to find out?" Mon-El asked.

"Alex, come in." Kara called out to her sister, who nodded as she reentered the medbay.

"This is my adoptive sister Alex. We're on the planet earth now and she works for an organization that's tasked with protecting the planet from hostile alien threats." Kara said.

"I can see if there's any way we can find out if any more of your people survived." Alex told him.

"Thank you." Mon-El gratefully.

"I promise, once we've run a few more tests on you to see if your physiology is affected by a yellow sun like kryptonian physiology is, I'll take you out to show what this planet has to offer." Kara said.

"Please tell me they have alcohol on this planet." Mon-El said and Kara smiled.

"They do, but I'm not sure if it will have any effect on you. Earth alcohol doesn't usually work on aliens from Rao's star system." Kara said.

"Damn." Mon-El said.

"I'll see what I can find." Kara said as she walked out of the building, wondering if M'gann was still running the alien bar in this Multiverse and if she was, she'd pick up a few bottles of Sakarran Ale from there.

However, on her way out, she was surprised when her phone rang and she saw that the caller id was a gotham number.

"Hello?" Kara asked when she answered.

"Kara, it's Kate Kane." Kate's voice said on the other end of the call.

"Kate, I knew you were here like me, but I wasn't expecting to hear from you yet. How did you get my number?" Kara asked.

"Long story. But I'm calling for a reason." Kate said.

"And that is?" Kara asked.

"I need your help, or really your cousin's help finding mine." Kate said.

"You think that Clark knows where Bruce is?" Kara asked, since she knew that Kate had learned Clark's identity during the crisis.

"If anyone knows, Superman does." Kate said.

"I'll see if I can get you a location, but why? Last time you talked to Bruce, it didn't go well." Kara said.

"This time I'll be talking to my Bruce. Not some embittered version of him from a future earth." Kate said.

"Why do you need to talk to him?" Kara asked.

"I need his advice." Kate said.

"Anything I can help with?" Kara asked.

"Not unless you've got any experience with a criminal relative and uncertainty about what to do with them." Kate said and Kara smiled.

"You'd be surprised. My aunt is ex convict from Kryptonian supermax. But I talked her down and brought back to my side. I could probably help you out more than you think." Kara said.

"Maybe you can help me then." Kate admitted as she gave Kara a place to meet her at.

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