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Daniels POV

"So you were just using me all this time! Just to get to my cousin?!!" I screamed, tears brimming at the corners of my eyes, staring down at the seated man in front of me, looking at me with a cold gaze, "Your cousin is vital to get my revenge...He's too cunning for us, always on the move, so when I found out you were his cousin...what better way to get to him than to be with his dear beloved cousin" He explained, going into his pocket and pulling out a cigarette, lighting it up and taking a long puff of it, blowing it into my face, his face never changing.

"So I'm nothing? Aren't I? Just some form of the toy just to get what you want...Pathetic, utterly pathetic" I scoffed, seeing a hint of anger flash in his eyes as the grip on his cigarette tightening ever so slightly, "Well well well...Looks like you got just what you wanted, right?" I spoke calmly, the tears still threatening to fall, "Well congrats...Jason-Dean.....I'll see you later, maybe never?!" After I finished my sentence he stood up and marched to me growling in an animalistic way, "Don't ever call me that you-" he as then met with a foot to the face, by yours truly, "Bitch you don't control me now. Now do me a favor and tell my cousin, if you get the chance to see him...Tell him good luck of finding me..." I smiled and ran out of the room and out of the building, dodging all the guards and members of his gang, giving some a black eye or a busted lip in the process and down the street.

After that day I made myself a promise,

I am nothing more than a ghost of who I was...and if they find me, they will pay

(Ok I know this is shit but I wanted to try something new....plis bare with me

If you have an idea on a title that's better then mine then, please tell me

anyway, vote and comment and I'll see you in one of my other books)

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